Résumé du preprint DAPNIA/SEA/98-18

A New Method to Detect the High Impedance Dipole Modes of TESLA Cavities
Fartoukh S.
In the aim of detecting or classifying the resonant and trapped dipole modes of
TESLA cavities and in order to measure their quality factors, two different
beam experiments have been already proposed.  Presently, the latter cannot be
carried out since both require a beam the characteristics of which are the ones
of the future TTF injector, Injector II (8 nC bunches, repetition frequency of
1 MHz).  The aim of this paper is then to introduce the idea of a new beam
experiment consisting in modulating the bunch charge at a certain frequency
w, feasible with the present TTF injector (bunch repetition frequency
of 216 MHz with an average beam current of about 10  mA) and permitting to
produce, with an equivalent sensitivity, the same measurements as the ones
previously mentioned.


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