Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-02-410

HOM Beam Coupling Measurements at the TESLA Test Facility (TTF)
G. Devanz, M. Jablonka, C. Magne, O. Napoly (DSM/DAPNIA/SACM) M. Huening, M. Wendt (DESY)
The proper damping of the higher order modes (HOM)
of the TESLA superconducting accelerating cavities is a
crucial requirement for the emittance preservation in the
TESLA linacs. Experiments of HOM beam excitation
have been performed on the accelerating modules of the
TTF linac, with a recent emphasis on the measurement of
the beam coupling and HOM polarization, in contrast to
the frequency and damping parameters which are easier to
measure. We report on the analysis of these experiments
and on the measurement results.


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