Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-06-202

Physics with CLAS at Jefferson Lab
M. Garçon (for the CLAS collaboration)
The CLAS collaboration at Jefferson Lab is engaged in
a wide range of experiments, covering mostly meson and 
baryon spectroscopy, nucleon structure through elastic and
deep inelastic scattering, nuclear transparency and 
nucleon correlations in nuclei. These experiments use
the CEBAF highly polarized electron beam, or the
secondary tagged photon beam, together with the CLAS
detector (CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer), to which
specific experiments bring additional equipment.
In this talk, examples of recent results on
subjects mentioned hereabove will be given, with special emphasis
on nucleon structure. A short description of the
planned upgrade from CLAS to CLAS12 is presented.


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