Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-06-152

Beam dynamics studies for the SPIRAL-2 project.
J.L. Biarotte, P. Bertrand, D. Uriot
The SPIRAL-2 superconducting linac driver, which aims at delivering 5 mA, 40 MeV deuterons and 1 mA, 14.5 A.MeV q/A=1/3 heavy ions, is now entering the construction phase. It is composed of an injector with two ECR sources and one 88 MHz RFQ, followed by a superconducting section based on 88 MHz independently-phased quarter-wave cavities with room-temperature focusing elements. This paper presents the status of the beam dynamics studies recently performed during this construction phase: freezing of the low-energy beam transport lines of the injector, consolidation of the mass separation system, and analysis of some linac extended capabilities like the proton acceleration.


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