Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-02-164

P-parity of charmed particles from associative photoproduction of $D$ and $D^*$-mesons
Michail P. Rekalo et Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson
We suggest to measure the triple polarization correlations in the exclusive associative charm particle photoproduction, $\\vec\\gamma+\\vec p \\to \\vec\\Lambda_c^++\\overline{D^0}$ with linearly polarized photons, as a method to determine the P-parity of the charmed D-meson. The dependence of these correlations on the parity $P(N\\Lambda_cD)$ can be predicted in model independent way. The $t$-dependence of the differential cross section for vector meson photoproduction, $\\gamma+ p \\to \\Lambda_c^++\\overline{D^{*0}}$, in a model based on $D-$exchange, is also sensitive to $P(N\\Lambda_cD)$.


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