Astrophysics and Cosmology with Gravitational Wave Observations, par le Pr Nelson Christensen (Carleton College Northfield, MI)  

Le LABoratoire d’EXcellence Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines (P2IO) organise conjointement avec les départements Physique des 2 Infinis (P2I) et Sciences de la planète et de l’Univers (SPU) de l’Université Paris-Saclay une série de “Séminaires Communs des Origines et de la Physique des 2 Infinis” (SCOPI). Ces séminaires s’adressent à un large public.


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le mardi 28 juin à 10h30 - Amphi Bloch (CEA IPHT Orme)

Astrophysics and Cosmology with Gravitational Wave Observations

par le Pr Nelson Christensen (Carleton College Northfield, MI) 


Presented in this seminar will be a summary of the results from Advanced LIGO's first observing run. Explanations will be given on how astrophysical information is extracted from gravitational-wave signals; this includes source parameters and implied rates of black hole mergers. The astrophysical and cosmological implications of the gravitational-wave detections and observations will be presented, such as the context of astrophysical models for binary black-hole formation as well as implications for testing general relativity in the strong-field regime. The ramifications of the limits set on a stochastic gravitational wave background will be summarized, for both cosmologically and astrophysically produced backgrounds. Finally, plans for future observations by LIGO, Virgo, and eventually KAGRA, will be given.


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P. Briet, dépêche du 26/05/2016


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