Programmation multitâches & OS temps réel  1.0
C++ Coding Conventions

Naming Conventions

  • Class names must begin with an upper case character and the case of the following characters must be determined using camel case convention. The 'underscore' ( _ ) character must be avoided in class names but for compelling reasons.‎


class SatelliteSpecs
// ...
  • Variable and property names must begin with a lower case character and the case of the following characters must be determined using ​camel case convention.


SatelliteSpecs satSpecs;
  • Variable and property names must restrict the use of the 'underscore' ( _ ) character to unit postfix.


double payloadWeight_kg;
  • Operation names must begin with a lower case character and the case of the following characters must be determined using ​ camel case convention. Contrary to usual conventions in C language or in the C++ standard library, the 'underscore' ( _ ) character should be avoided with 3 exceptions: accessor prefix, unit postfix and C functions


class Satellite
double get_payloadWeight_kg();
void launch_satellite();
  • Namespace naming can either follow the same rules as class naming or be restricted to an all-lowercase very short word (no more than 4 characters).

Example 1:

namespace DeployModel
// ...

Example 2:

namespace dhsm
// ...

Creation and Naming of Files and Directories

  • Every project directory must contain a src subdirectory containing all non-generated source files.
  • Every namespace defined within the project must correspond to a subdirectory of directory src. Namespace subdirectories must follow the same nesting order as the namespaces and adopt an identical capitalization.
  • In principle, for every non-template class there should be one header file using the .h suffix and one implementation file using the .cpp suffix. However, a small set of classes that are deeply linked together can be declared and implemented in a unique header/implementation file pair. Template headers must bear the .hpp suffix whereas ordinary class headers must stick to the usual .h C or C++ suffix.
  • The capitalization of the file names must be identical to that of the class name.
  • The header and implementation files of any class must be created within the subdirectory of src corresponding to its namespace. For instance, the fully qualified class DeployModel::SatelliteSpecs must be declared and implemented in files src/DeployModel/SatelliteSpecs.h and src/DeployModel/SatelliteSpecs.cpp.
  • The header file must be protected from multiple inclusions using a leading #ifndef that defines a preprocessor macro formed by the fully qualified name of the class, using the 'underscore' character ( _ ) as namespace separator, using an identical capitalization and ending with the header file extension (_h or _hpp) and the label _INCLUDED. For instance, the content of file src/DeployModel/SatelliteSpecs.h declaring the DeployModel::SatelliteSpecs class should be enclosed wihtin the following macro definition:
#ifndef DeployModel_SatelliteSpecs_h_INCLUDED
#define DeployModel_SatelliteSpecs_h_INCLUDED
namespace DeployModel
class SatelliteSpecs
// ... Class declarations ...

Blocks and Indentation

  • The curly brackets defining a block must occupy their own line. In particular, they must not be preceded or followed by a C++ expression. Their indentation must be the same as the statement preceding the block:
if (age < 25)
isFeeReduced = true;
  • Indentation must be implemented using exclusively the tabulation character. To avoid the visual annoyance of the standard 8-character length of a tabulation, you should change the tab display length preference of your favorite editor, not use whitespaces for indentation.
  • The indentation of the following elements should not be increased:

    • statements within namespace definition blocks:

      namespace DeployModel
      class SatelliteSpecs
      // ... Class declarations ...
    • case statements in a switch/case expression:

      case 'a':
      // ...
      case 'b':
      // ...
      // ...
    • scope statements (public, protected, private) in a class declaration:

      class SatelliteSpecs
      double get_payloadWeight();
      void set_payloadWeight(double value_kg);
      bool isLaunchable();
      double payloadWeight_kg;