The HORIZON Simulations at MareNostrum
2048 processors, box size 50 Mpc/h
- High-resolution 4096x4096 images of the Baryon gas :
- density field :
- volume projection by ray-casting (maximum intensity proj.)
- color is associated to the temperature (hot=red, cold=blue), intensity is associated to the gas density
- image mixing using S. Colombi algorithm
- temperature field
- volume projection by ray-casting (maximum intensity proj.)
- density slices
- slices in a 4096x4096x40 subvolume, AMR Level 12
- Baryon gas, AMR Level 10, full volume
- volume projection by ray-casting (maximum
intensity proj.)
- color is associated to the gas temperature (hot=red, cold=blue) and intensity is associated to the gas density
- image obtained using S. Colombi mixing algorithm
- Baryon gas density, AMR Level 10, full volume
- volume projection by ray-casting (maximum
intensity proj.) :
- Baryon gas pressure, AMR Level 10, full volume
- Dark matter particle cloud, full sample (1024^3
- Streamlines of the baryon gas velocity
- Slice of the baryon gas density, output 00097,
AMR Level 10
- Slices of the baryon gas pressure :
- Density slice, high-density isosurface, and
velocity streamlines of the baryon gas (AMR Level 9)
- Structures at intermediate scale (box size 25% of
total) and intermediate resolution (AMR Level 12)
- Baryon gas density, output 00097, full volume
Same view using different color palettes :
- Zoom from large scale structures to galactic
spirals, density of the baryon gas (output 00097)
- Density, Pressure, and Temperature distribution
of the baryon gas in the central region (box size 25% of total,
output 00097)
- Streamlines of the baryon hydrodynamical velocity
and visualization of pressure, output 00097, full volume
- Surfaces of iso-density, output 00097, full