ASTRONUM Conferences


Maison de la Simulation (CEA/CNRS/Inria/UPS/UVSQ), Paris, France and University of Alabama at Huntsville, USA organize the ASTRONUM conferences, Annual International Conferences on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows.
The conference is covering the following topics:

(1) Advanced numerical methods for space, astrophysical and geophysical flows;
(2) Large-scale fluid-based, kinetic, and hybrid simulations;
(3) Turbulence and cosmic ray transport;
(4) Magnetohydrodynamics
(5) Software packages for modeling and analyzing plasma flows /
Visualisation with the application to
   (1) Physics of the Sun-Heliosphere-Magnetosphere;
   (2) Interstellar medium and star formation;
   (3) Cosmology and galaxy formation;
   (4) Dynamo effect;
   (5) Stellar Physics.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together leading experts in applied mathematics, space physics, astrophysics, and geophysics to discuss the application of novel numerical algorithms and petascale parallelization strategies to computationally challenging problems.
The conference will be structured around invited, 40-minute keynote and 25-minute regular talks, and a limited number of contributed talks, with the attempt to have no parallel sessions.
E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be directed to and

Conference history :

ASTRONUM XX : Avignon, France, June 8-12,2015
ASTRONUM IX : Long Beach, California, USA June 23-27,2014
ASTRONUM VIII : Biarritz, France, July 1-5,2013
ASTRONUM VII : Big Island, Hawaii, USA June 25-29,2012
ASTRONUM VI : Valencia, Spain, June 13-17,2011
ASTRONUM V : San Diego, California, USA June 13-18,2010
ASTRONUM IV : Chamonix, France, June 29- July 3,2009
ASTRONUM III : St. John, Virgin Islands, USA June 8-13,2008
ASTRONUM II : Paris, France, June 11-15,2007
ASTRONUM I : Palm Springs, California, USA , March 27-30,2006