Article by Marc Joos and Sebastien Fromang : Turbulence magnetohydrodynamique dans les disques d'accretion
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Presentation at the Conference 'Grand Challenge' at IDRIS by Marc Joos
This presentation can be downloaded
Part of the run where hydrodynamics and magnetic dissipation mechanisms are treated explicitly
By_movie, rho_movie, vz_movie
First part of the run : hydrodynamics and magnetic dissipation mechanisms are NOT treated explicitly
By_movie, rho_movie, vz_movie
The MHDTURB project members :
S.Fromang (IRFU/SAp,CEA/Saclay), M. Joos (IRFU/SAp,CEA/Saclay), H.Meheut (IRFU/SAp, CEA/Saclay), G.Lesur (IPAG, Grenoble), P.Kestener (MdS, CEA/Saclay) , D. Pomarède (IRFU/Sedi,CEA/Saclay), B. Thooris (IRFU/Sedi,CEA/Saclay)