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        COAST : COmputational ASTrophysics in Saclay


COAST software


Most of the COAST team activity is the development of numerical analysis codes for astrophysics.

Codes are developed for the different scales of simulation, i.e. cosmology (RAMSES), interstellar medium (HERACLES), stars studies (ASH), protoplanet studies (JUPITER and FARGO) or accretion disks studies (GLOBAL)

The visualization code SDvision developed at Irfu CEA Saclay is described in the topic 'Visualization'.

The RAMSES code


RAMSES was developed in Saclay by Romain Teyssier to study large scale structure and galaxy formation; the code is a grid-based hydro solver with adaptive mesh refinement.

Go to the RAMSES pages

The PYMSES code


PYMSES is a set of Python modules originally written for the RAMSES code. It provides a easy way of getting the data out of RAMSES outputs.

Go to the PYMSES pages



HERACLES is a 3D code in finite volumes on fixed grid (multi-grid method in progress) which solves the radiative transfer equation coupled with hydrodynamics, developed by Edouard Audit and al.

Go to the HERACLES pages

The ASH code


An Anelastic Spherical Harmonic (ASH) code jointly developed by A.S.Brun in Saclay and M.S. Miesch and J. Toomre, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.

The Jupiter code


Jupiter is a code dedicated to protoplanet studies developed by Frederic Masset

Go to the JUPITER site

The FARGO code


FARGO is a 2D code dedicated to protoplanet studies developed by Frederic Masset

Go to the FARGO site