All-sky map, South Pole centric Aitoff projection (FullHD resolution)

All-sky map (UHD-4K resolution)

All-sky map zoom on South Pole

All-sky map zoom on South Pole: dust only

All-sky map zoom on South Pole (UHD-4K resolution)

Comparison with CfA Great Wall and Sloan Great Wall

Plot of galactic longitude against redshift

Plot of galactic longitude against redshift (UHD-4K resolution)

A slice of the Universe

A slice of the Universe with cartography of overdensities and voids

A slice of the Universe (UHD-4K resolution)

A slice of the Universe with cartography of overdensities and voids (UHD-4K resolution)

The South Pole Wall in the Cosmic V-Web

The South Pole Wall in the Cosmic V-Web (UHD-4K resolution)

The South Pole Wall in the Cosmic V-Web versus galaxy positions from the XSCz Catalogue

The South Pole Wall in the Cosmic V-Web versus galaxy positions from the XSCz Catalogue (UHD-4K resolution)

Visualization of the density field

The South Pole Wall seen in isolation

The South Pole Wall in the Cosmic V-Web

The South Pole Wall seen in the velocity flowlines

comparison between two models

South Pole Wall, Laniakea, Dipole Repeller, Cold Spot Repeller

South Pole Wall (details), Laniakea, Dipole Repeller, Cold Spot Repeller


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