Installing PyMSES ================= Requirements ------------ PyMSES has some :ref:`core-dep` plus some :ref:`recommended-dep` you might need to install to enable all PyMSES features. **The developpment team** strongly recommends the user to install the EPD_ (Enthought Python Distribution) which wraps all these dependencies into a single, highly-portable package. .. _EPD: .. _core-dep: Core dependencies ................. These packages are mandatory to use the basic functionality of PyMSES: * a gcc-compatible C compiler, * GNU make and friends, * Python_, version 2.x (*not* 3.x), *including developement headers* (Python.h and such), python 2.6.x or later is recommended to use some multiprocessing speed up. * Python packages: - numpy_, version 1.2 or later - scipy_ * iPython_ is not strictly required, but it makes the interactive experience so much better you will certainly want to install it. .. _Python: .. _numpy: .. _scipy: .. _iPython: .. _recommended-dep: Recommended dependencies ........................ Those packages are recommended for general use (plotting, easy input and output, image processing, GUI, ...). Some PyMSES features may be unavailable without them: * matplotlib_ for plotting * the Python Imaging Library (PIL_) for Image processing * HDF5_ and PyTables_ for Python HDF5 support * wxPython_ for the AMRViewer GUI * mpi4py_ if you want to use the MPI library on a large parallel system. .. _wxPython: .. _PIL: .. _matplotlib: .. _HDF5: .. _PyTables: .. _mpi4py: Delevoper dependencies ...................... You will need this if you intend to work on the source code, or if you obtained PyMSES for an unpackaged version (i.e. a tarball of the mercurial repository, or ``hg clone``) * mercurial_ for source code management * Cython_ * sphinx_ for generating the documentation .. _mercurial: .. _Cython: .. _sphinx: Installation instructions ------------------------- For now, the easiest way to install PyMSES from a tarball is: #. Extract the tarball into a directory, say ~/codes/pymses #. Run make in the directory #. Add the make directory to your PYTHONPATH #. Optional : Add the pymses/bin to your PATH, to quickly start the GUI with the amrviewer command or to launch basic scripts. For example, using the bash shell: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ~/codes $ tar -xvfz pymses-3.0.0.tar.gz $ cd pymses_3.0.0 $ make $ export PYTHONPATH=~/codes/pymses_3.0.0:$PYTHONPATH $ export PATH=$PATH:~/codes/pymses_3.0.0/bin Note that you will need to place the export statements in your :file:`~/.bashrc` or equivalent to set your ``PYTHONPATH`` and ``PATH`` for all future shell sessions.