Dealing with units ================== .. topic:: Need Okay, I have read my data quite easily. What are the units of these data ? How do I convert them into human-readable units ? **Example** : From a RAMSES hydro simulation, I want to convert my density field unit into the H/cc unit. Dimensional physical constants ------------------------------ In pymses, a specific module has been designed for this purpose : :mod:`~pymses.utils.constants`. It contains a bunch of useful dimensional physical constants (expressed in ISU) which you can use for unit conversion factors computation, adimensionality tests, etc. :: from pymses.utils import constants as C print C.kpc Out:(3.085677e+19 m) print C.Msun Out:(1.9889e+30 kg) Each constant is an :class:`~pymses.utils.constants.Unit` instance, on which you can call the :meth:`` method to convert this constant into another dimension-compatible constant. If the dimensions are not compatible, a ValueError will be raised :: factor = print "1 kpc = %f ly"%factor Out:1 kpc = 3261.563163 ly print Out:ValueError: Incompatible dimensions between (1.9889e+30 kg) and (1000.0 m) Basic operations between these constants are enabled :: unit_density = 1.0E9 * C.Msun / C.kpc**3 print "1Msun/kpc**3 = %f H/cc" Out:1Msun/kpc**3 = 30.993246 H/cc RAMSES data units ----------------- The units of each RAMSES output data are read from the output info file. You can manipulate the values of these units by using the *info* parameter (see :ref:`ramses_output`) :: ro = RamsesOutput("/data/simu/outputs", 10) Out:{'H0': 1.0, 'aexp': 1.0, 'boxlen': 200.0, 'dom_decomp': , 'levelmax': 14, 'levelmin': 7, 'ncpu': 64, 'ndim': 3, 'ngridmax': 1000000, 'nstep_coarse': 1200, 'omega_b': 0.0, 'omega_k': 0.0, 'omega_l': 0.0, 'omega_m': 1.0, 'time': 10.724764558171801, 'unit_density': (6.77025430199e-20 m^, 'unit_length': (6.17135516256e+21 m), 'unit_mass': (1.9891e+39 kg), 'unit_pressure': (2.91283226304e-10 m^^-2), 'unit_temperature': (517290.92492 K), 'unit_time': (4.70430312424e+14 s), 'unit_velocity': (65592.6605874 m.s^-1)} Assuming you already have sampled the AMR density field of this output into a *pdset* :class:`~pymses.core.datasets.PointDataset` containing all your sampling points (see :ref:`amr_sampling`), you can convert your density field (in code unit) into the unit of your choice:: rho_field_H_cc = pdset["rho"] *["unit_density"].express(C.H_cc) .. topic:: Warning You must take care of manipulating RAMSES data in an unit-coherent way !!! - **Good**:: info = # Density rho_H_cc = rho_ramses * info["unit_density"].express(C.H_cc) # Mass part_mass_Msun = part_mass * info["unit_mass"].express(C.Msun) # Kinetic energy factor = (info["unit_mass"] * info["unit_velocity"]**2).express(C.J) kin_energy_J = part_mass * part_vel**2 * factor - **Not so good**:: info = # Density factor = (info["unit_mass"] / info["unit_length"]**3).express(C.H_cc) rho_H_cc = rho_ramses * factor # Mass factor = (info["unit_density"]*info["unit_length"]**3).express(C.Msun) part_mass_Msun = part_mass * factor # Kinetic energy factor = (info["unit_pressure"] * info["unit_length"]**3).express(C.J) kin_energy_J = part_mass * part_vel**2 * factor