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Tracing the Universe: a new X-ray survey bring a new light

Epistémologie, gestion des connaissances, technologies numériques pour la valorisation

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James Webb Telescope and MIRI instrument
The James Webb Space Telescope was designed to answer major questions in astrophysics, such as the formation of planets and exoplanets, the first » More
Imagerie des exoplanètes dans les zones habitables des étoiles proches
Imaging Habitable-Zone Exoplanets Around Alpha Centauri
Cette vidéo présente les résultats de l'expérience Breakthrough Watch / NEAR (New Earths in the Alpha Centauri Region). Basé sur la publication » More
A quasar giving birth to a galaxy ?
A starburst triggered by a massive black hole
A spectacular interaction between a quasar, a giant black hole at the heart of a galaxy, and a nearby companion galaxy is revealed by observations » More

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