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2.       Baudouy, B., Bessette, A., Four, A. 2013. Modeling of a horizontal circulation open loop in two-phase helium. Cryogenics 53(0), 2-6.

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4.       Song, Y., Four, A., Baudouy, B. 2013. Nucleate boiling heat transfer in a helium natural circulation loop coupled with a cryocooler. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 66(November), 64-71.

5.       Bazin, N., Devanz, G., Orsini, F.Vacuum study of the cavity string for the IFMIF - LIPAc cryomodule(2013) IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 3291-3293.

6.       Chauvin, N., Chel, S., Delferrière, O., Gobin, R., Nghiem, P.A.P., Senée, F., Tuske, O., Uriot, D., Valette, M., Okumura, Y., Shidara, H., Mosnier, A.Beam commissioning of the linear IFMIF prototype accelerator injector: Measurements and simulations(2013) IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 3767-3769.

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14       Knaster, J., Cara, P., Mosnier, A., Chel, S., Facco, A., Molla, J., Suzuki, H.Installation and commissioning of the 1.1 MW deuteron prototype linac of IFMIF(2013) IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 1090-1092.

15       Nghiem, P.A.P., Chauvin, N., Simeoni Jr., W., Uriot, D.Advanced considerations for designing very high intensity linacs through novel methods of beam analysis, optimisation, measurement & characterization (2013) IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 1727-1729.

16       Orsini, F., Bazin, N., Brédy, P., Carbonnier, P., Devanz, G., Disset, G., Grouas, N., Hardy, P., Hennion, V., Jenhani, H., Migne, J., Mohamed, A., Neyret, J., Renard, B., Relland, J., Roudier, D., Abramian, P., Calero, J., Calvo, J., Gutierrez, J.L., Martinez, T., Munilla, J., Podadera, I., Toral, F.Progress on the SRF LINAC developments for the IFMIF-LIPAC project(2013) IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 3294-3296.

17       Uriot, D., Tuske, O., Biarrotte, J.-L.Commissioning of the spiral2 deuteron injector (2013) IPAC 2013: Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, pp. 3764-3766.

                               Logiciels de reglage de l'accelerateur SPIRAL2.P Gillette, C Haquin, E Lecorché, E Lemaitre, G Normand, CH Patard,

                       L Philippe, D Touchard, JF Denis, F Gougnaud, JF Gournay, Y Lussigniol, D Uriot, J   Hosselet, C Maazouzi

18       SPIRAL2 Week 2011-Slides of the presentationsS Gales, M Jacquemet, M Lewitowicz, E Petit, JL Biarrote, D Uriot, T Thuillier, C Peaucelle, C Barue, C Van Hille, PE Bernaudin, P Galdemard, P Ausset, P Dolegieviez, R Levallois, M Marchetto, M Pasini, M Quiclet, O Danna, D Lunney, M Di Giacomo

19       Commissioning of the Spiral2 deuteron injector D Uriot, O Tuske

20    Beam commissioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Injector: measurements and simulations, N Chauvin, S Chel, O Delferriere, R Gobin, PAP Nghiem, F Senee, O Tuske, D Uriot, M Valette, Y Okumura, H Shidara, A Mosnier

21    Advanced considerations for designing very high intensity linacs through novel methods of beam analysisPAP Nghiem, N Chauvin, W Simeoni Jr, D Uriot

22    The R&D@ UCL program in support of the MYRRHA linear accelerator R Salemme, D Vandeplassche, L Medeiros Romao, J-P Carneiro, J-L Biarrotte, M Baylac, D Uriot, H Podlech

                 23   Simulations et commissioning des injecteurs de haute intensite a Saclay D. Uriot, CEA de Saclay

24    Design of the MYRRHA 17-600 MeV Superconducting LinacL. Biarrotte, IPN, Orsay, France, F. Bouly CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, J.-P. Carneiro Fermilab, Batavia, USA, D. Uriot CEA/DSM/IRFU, France, D. Vandeplassche, SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium

25       Beam operation aspects for the MYRRHA linear accelerator, J.-L. Biarrotte (CNRS-IN2P3, France), D. Uriot (CEA, France), L. Medeiros Romão, D. Vandeplassche (SCK-CEN, Belgium)

26       Approach of a Failure Analysis for the MYRRHA Linac, D. Vandeplassche, J.-P. Carneiro, L. Medeiros Romão, (SCK-CEN, Belgium), J.-L. Biarrotte, F. Bouly (CNRS-IN2P3, France), D. Uriot (CEA, France)

27       Development of the EuCARD Nb3Sn dipole magnet FRESCA2

                 P,Ferracin, M. Devaux, M. Durante, P. Manil, A. Milanese, J.Munoz Garcia, J.-C. Perez, 

                 J. M. Rifflet, G. de Rijk, F. Rondeaux. ASC - Portland, octobre 2012. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity  . Vol. 23, Issue 3, June 2013, Irfu-12-572

28       Organic free montmorillonite-based flexible insulating sheaths for Nb3Sn superconductor magnets

                 E.Prouzet, A.Puigsegur, A.Larbot, Jean Michel Rey, Francoise Rondeaux, Applied Clay Science,volume 80-81 (2013)  pp. 249 . 258 Irfu-13-109

29       Study of nanometric superconducting multilayers for magnetic field screening applications,

                   CZ. Antoine, JC Villegier, G Martinet, Applied Physics Letters, 2013, Vol. 102 (10) : 102603

30       Multilayers activities at Saclay/Orsay.

                 C. Baumier, CZ. Antoine, F. Fortuna, G Martinet, JC Villegier, editors. SRF 2013, Sept. 23-27, Paris, France.

31       Study of NbTi welded parts.

                N. Bazin, CZ. Antoine, C. Baumier, F. Fortuna, G Martinet, J Sirven, editors. SRF 201.

32       Chemical vapor deposition techniques for the multilayer coating of superconducting RF cavities. Weiss F, Jimenez C, Pignard S, Benz M, Blanquet E, Boichot R, et al., editors. SRF 2013; 2013 Sept., 23-27; Paris, France.







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