Centre for Muon Imaging Open to Social and Academic applications (MIMOSA)

This project benefits from Île-de-France region Sésame financing and its construction started in 2018. It will house the resources – some of which already exist – for building and characterising instruments intended for muon imaging, as well as a pool of muon imagers, in a building covering a total of 500 m2. This infrastructure will be both a technology platform and a centre of expertise, for detection components and systems and their operation, open to cross-disciplinary projects and industry. It will have:

  • Fixed instruments, including the existing “M3” muon telescope, comprising 4 XY detector planes, each with a surface of 1 m2, that can be extended to 2 m2. The geometry of this telescope can be configured for detectors tests (as is the case today for the ATLAS/NSW modules) or for tomography purposes.
  • A battery of mobile instruments that can be deployed on outside sites, such as those already used for the ScanPyramid mission.
Artwork of the future MIMOSA Muon Imaging Centre
M3 cosmic test bench (4 planes of 1m²) during
testing of an ATLAS/NSW module


#4461 - Last update : 12/08 2019


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