29 Result(s)

Comprendre le système climatique de titan avec l'utilisation d'un modèle 3D général de circulation. Understanding Titan's climate using a 3D model.
Project context The BTD project was developed in the framework of experiments aiming at the spectroscopy studies of radioactive nuclei using gamma-radiation and light particles in GANIL, mainly with SPIRAL and then SPIRAL2 beams. The purpose of these experiments is to study the structure of exotic nuclei in order to better understand the interactions that bind protons and neutrons and their reactions to different excitation modes (temperature, spin...).
Physics case  The overall picture of particle physics, the so-called Standard Model, has been recently probed by the discovery at CERN of the Higgs particle; it is consistent with the existence of three neutrinos. Oscillations between these neutrinos has been observed in many experiments  and are already a compelling evidence of new physics beyond the Standard Model.
Étude des binaires X et de leur comportement multi-longueur d'onde sur différentes échelles de temps.  Studying the multi-wavelenght behavior of the X-ray binaries on multiple time scales.
Caractérisation des dunes EXtra-terrestres de Mars et Titan. Characterising extra-terrestrial dunes on Mars and Titan.  
Projet de recherche sur les processus d'innovation dans la conception et la concrétisation des « grands instruments », tels que les observatoires spatiaux. Research project about innovation process of concepting and shaping big instruments such as space telescope.
Résoudre la formation des galaxies : de la physique à petite échelle dans le contexte cosmologique Understanding galaxies formation: small-scale physics for cosmology.
Etudier la dynamique d'interfaces dans les équations d'évolution. Studying interface dynamics in the evolution equations.
Tester le modèle Lambda matière noire froide pour l'évolution de la matière noire dans les amas de galaxies. Testing the Lambda-CDM model for the formation of collapsed structures.
Du milieu interstellaire diffus aux étoiles.  From diffused interstellar medium to stars.   Comprendre la formation des étoiles reste l'un des plus grands défis de l'astronomie moderne.
MATLAS étudie les galaxies précoces et leurs relations d'échelle.  MATLAS studies the Early-Type Galaxies and their scale relations.
  Megacam   MegaCam A major instrument at the CFHT observatory (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope) The MegaCam camera was developed for the prime focus of the 3.6m diameter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), on the summit of the Mauna Kea volcano, at an altitude of 4200m on the Big Island of Hawaii (USA).
  Objectives: Megapie (Megawatt pilot experiment) is an international project having as objectives to design, build, test and decomission the first lead-bismuth liquid spallation target functioning under 1 MW deposited power. This target is used as neutron source. Neutrons are produced by the interaction of high intensity proton beam (590 MeV of energy) on the target.
Objectives: The objective of the Mini-INCA project is to study minor-actinide transmutation processes in high intensity thermal neutron fluxes, in view of proposing solutions to reduce the radiotoxicity of long-lived nuclear wastes. The fission process is the best way to reduce radiotoxicity and also to use the total amount of energy contain within heavy nuclei.
Contraintes morphologiques et multi-longueurs d'onde sur la croissance parallèle des galaxies et de leurs trous noirs super-massifs. Morphological and multi-wavelength constraints on the coeval growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes.
Etude multi-échelle de l'évolution des structures de l'Univers. Multi-scale study of the evolution of structures in the Universe. 
Thèmes-programmes: Thématique et contexte du projet In parallel with the experimental activities of the MNM group at DAPNIA/SPhN some fundamental and applied modelling takes place to simulate innovative nuclear systems for nuclear waste transmutation, intensive neutron sources based on spallation and photonuclear reactions, radioactive nuclear beam production scenarios, dismantling of nuclear installations, etc.
Améliorer la connaissance de l’interaction photons - plasmas dans le domaine X et XUV. Studying the photon-plasma interactions in the X-ray and XUV-ray.
Étudier la formation des étoiles en confrontant simulations numériques et observations. Confronting star formation studies with space observations and computer simulations. 
Simulations numériques de disques protoplanétaires, préparer le terrain pour la formation planétaire.  Protoplanetart disks digital simulations, studying planety formation.
The PHENIX experiment is one of the two large experiments located on the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), in Long Island, United States.
Créer des plasmas à haute température à partir de l'énergie des faisceaux lasers. Making high temperature plasmas using laser energy.
Goals of the experiment    The R3B experiment is part of the FAIR project (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, http://www.gsi.de/fair) to be built at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany). The FAIR project gathers different physics around a common facility: exotic nuclei at low and high energy, hadronic physics with proton – antiproton collisions, relativistic heavy-ion collisions (a few 10 GeV per nucleon), plasma physics and atomic physics.
Élucider le mécanisme d'explosion des étoiles massives, et caractériser les conditions de naissance des étoiles à neutrons et des trous noirs. Studying massive star explosions and neutron stars and blackholes formation. 
Développer un outil de prédiction fiable de l’activité du Soleil et des éruptions majeures à sa surface. Developing a reliable tool to predict Sun activity and its major surface eruptions.
Presentation of the project Physics & programmes Spallation reaction study, physics data for nuclear energy Goals of the experiment The measurement in coincidence and in inverse kinematics of the spallation (A+p at 1 GeV per nucleon) reaction in order to study in detail the reaction mechanism.
Comprendre la formation stellaire dans les galaxies avec les observations de Herschel. Understanding star formation in galaxies using Herschel observations.
Etudier la structure du Milieu Interstellaire Local par inversion. Studying the local interstellar medium. Stilism est un projet ANR qui a démarré en décembre 2012 pour d’une durée de 48 mois. Stilism, pour Structure du Milieu Interstellaire Local par Inversion, a pour but d’étudier le milieu interstellaire, milieu extrêmement dilué composé de gaz et de poussières réparti dans tout l’Univers.
Etudier l'interaction des étoiles massives avec leur environnement. Studying massive stars in their environment. 


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