Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-04-76

Comprehensive analysis method for (d,p) stripping reactions
N. Keeley, N. Alamanos, V. Lapoux
The (d,p) stripping reaction has proved a useful 
tool for probing single particle aspects of
nuclear structure. With the advent of beams of
exotic nuclei there has been  renewed interest
in charged particle spectroscopy and (d,p)
stripping in particular as a means of
investigating the structure of neutron-rich 
nuclei via reactions in inverse kinematics. The
distorted wave Born approximation was shown to be
inappropriate for the analysis of (d,p) reactions
some thirty years ago, due to the importance of
the deuteron breakup channel. While the simple 
adiabatic model has been demonstrated to work 
rather well in this context, modern computing 
facilities enable a more realistic treatment of 
the deuteron breakup process via the continuum 
discretised coupled channels procedure to be 
included in (d,p) calculations. In this work we 
present a comprehensive analysis method for 
(d,p) reactions using CDCC to model deuteron 
breakup and the Reid soft-core nucleon-nucleon 
potential to calculate the deuteron internal wave 
function. The model is tested against 12C(d,p) 
data at incident deuteron energies of 15 and 30 
MeV where all the necessary ancillary data are 
available. It is then applied to the 10Be(d,p) 
reaction at 12 and 25 MeV where only the transfer 
cross section data are available.


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