Résumé du preprint Irfu-08-17

Internal conversion and summing effects in heavy-nuclei spectroscopy
Ch. Theisen, A. Lopez-Martens, Ch. Bonnelle
Internal conversion of low-energy nuclear transitions occurs with a high probability in heavy nuclei. After the emission of the conversion electron, a cascade of X-rays, Auger or Coster-Krönig electrons takes place. In alpha-decay experiments in which the nuclei of interest are implanted into a silicon detector, these atomic processes contribute to the detected energy. To understand the distortions of the alpha-particle energy spectra, knowledge of the various atomic yields is required. Using state-of-the-art calculations, new atomic yields are computed in $_{99}$Es and compared to those available in the literature. Detailed simulations of the $^{251}_{101}$Md alpha decay are performed and compared to experimental data. Possible ways to discriminate between the available atomic yields are also discussed.