Résumé du preprint Irfu-08-276

CTF3/CALIFES updated beam dynamics simulations in single bunch mode
A. Curtoni, G. Adroit, M. Authier, D. Bogard, P. Contrepois, G. Dispau, M. Dorlot, R. Duperrier, W. Farabolini, M. Fontaine, P. Girardot, F. Gobin, R. Granelli, F. Harrault, J.L. Jannin, C. Lahonde, T. Lerch, P.A. Leroy, A. Mosnier, F. Orsini, F. Peauger, C. Simon G. Cheymol, D. Farcage, M. Gilbert M. Jore, C. Prevost, R. Roux
Results of beam dynamics simulations that were previously published led to an optimized design for CALIFES (the CLIC/CTF3 probe beam linac and its disnostics beam-line). This report updates the optimized results in single bunch mode taking into account all the available technical data such as actual locations and actual dimensions of CALIFES devices, expected dimensions of the laser spot on the photo-cathode, actual RF-power distribution into Rf-gun and LIL sections, magnetic characteristics of the magnets (dipole and quadrupoles) got from magnetic measurements. . .