Résumé du preprint Irfu-10-96

The Final Design of the R3B-GLAD Cold Mass Assembly and Manufacturing Status
Z. Sun, P. Graffin, G. Disset, S. Cazaux, A. Daël, P. Daniel-Thomas, B. Gastineau, J.P. Lottin, M. Massinger, C. Mayri, F. Nunio, C. Pès, L. Scola, J. Wang
The R3B-GLAD (GSI Large Acceptance superconducting Dipole) magnet provides the magnetic field needed for the R3B (Reaction studies with Radioactive Relativistic Beams) experiment which will be implemented on the future FAIR Facility (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research). There are six trapezoidal racetrack coils for the R3B-GLAD magnet. Two main coils and four lateral coils are connected in series in a butterfly-like shape. The total weight of the six coils is 5.2 t. The cold mass assembly consists of coils, coil-casings, structural linking components and other non-structural components. The cold mass assembly weighs 22 t with envelope dimensions of 3.1 m (L) * 4.6 m (W) * 2.8 m (H). It is supported by the three cold to warm cryogenic supports. The magnet configuration was finalized in June 2008. The final cold mass design was accomplished end of July 2008. The manufacturing of the cold mass assembly has been launched since January 2009. The cold mass will be ready for test in the test station at CEA Saclay by the end of 2010. This paper gives an overview on the final design of the R3BGLAD cold mass assembly and manufacturing status.