The school will focus on several key topics, in the spirit of an ideal machine which would combine a high center-of-mass energy, a high luminosity and beam polarization facilities. It will be devoted both to phenomenological aspects and theoretical problems, with a small touch about the experimental aspects of the different projects. Each of the four main lecturers, among the leading specialists of the field, will have a substantial amount of time (4 lectures of 90 mn for each lecturer) to cover the various topics in an extensive way. In addition, a presentation of the various projects and of their physics cases will be provided in the form of extended seminars.
The main lectures will be on :
The inscription to the school is free of charge. Coffee breaks, lunches are included.
A few grants will be available to partially support PhD students for their accommodation and travelling expenses.
chairpersons of the school:
H. Moutarde (IRFU/SPhN)
S. Wallon (LPT Orsay)