Effective Field Theory of nuclear forces and the many-body problem  
Du 30/04/2014 au 16/05/2014

Atelier ESNT

On behalf of the "Espace de Structure et de réactions Nucléaires Théorique" (ESNT) the workshop entitled: "Effective Field Theory of nuclear forces and the many-body problem". will be held in May at CEA-Saclay, Orme-les-Merisiers campus, Building 703, room 135.
For details about the program, see the ESNT Web site.

A half-day workshop (open session) is scheduled on Friday, May 16th, am.

For further information, please contact the local organizer of the project: Thomas Duguet

Organizers: Th. Duguet (SPhN-contact) ; B. Long (Sichuan Univ.) ; M. P. Valderamma (IPNO); V. Somà (SPhN) ; U. van Kolck (IPNO and Arizona Univ.);
Visit of Professor Bingwei Long to Saclay for about four weeks.

http://esnt.cea.fr/Phocea/Page/index.php ...

V. Lapoux, dépêche du 14/03/2014


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