Ecole d'été "Correlations between partons in nucleons" du GDR PH-QCD  
Correlations between quarks and gluons in hadrons play a key role in current experiments at low and high energies. Indeed they offer a deep insight into the nucleon structure. They also allow high precision tests of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Last but not least their knowledge is a prerequisite for the phenomenological interpretation of data taken at hadron colliders, for instance concerning the nature and strength of signals of physics beyond the Standard Model.

Tremendous progress has been made in recent years in all fields related to these topics. The aim of this international school is to review these developments, to promote QCD and parton distributions as a unifying concept between apparently distinct lines of research, and to foster contact between the theoretical and experimental communities of particle and nuclear physics.

The guideline of this school is the notion of partonic correlations in nucleons: correlations between quarks and gluons in multiple partons scattering; correlations between densely packed gluons; correlations between nucleon spin, parton positions, momenta and spins. Analytical and numerical tools for the evaluation of multi parton scattering have been developped at an increasing level of sophistication and complexity. The school aims at describing these theoretical tools and offering a status and prospective view of the related experimental knowledge.

The first school of this series took place in 2012 and was entitled "QCD prospects for future ep and eA colliders". GDR_summer_school_2014_official_v4.pdf (41 Ko) ...

H. Moutarde, dépêche du 27/06/2014


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