Applied Antineutrino Physics activities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bernstein Adam
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lundi 19/11/2012, 11:00
Bat 703, p 45, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers




The Advanced Detectors Group in LLNL has been involved for over a decade in the development of antineutrino-based methods for monitoring the existence, operational status and thermal power of, and fissile inventories in, nuclear reactors. The work is intended to address unmet needs within the International Atomic Energy Agency 's (IAEA) cooperative monitoring regime. I will discuss highlights of our program,  including relatively high statistics monitoring of thermal power and fissile content in the 'near-field', tens of meters from the core, and more a recent and ambitious effort to demonstrate technologies relevant for  monitoring, exclusion  or discovery of nuclear reactors in the 'far-field' - tens to hundreds of kilometers from the reactor core. Both in theoretical and experimental terms, the overall program has an appealing overlap with the fundamental physics concerns of measuring short baseline neutrino oscillations, as well as, for the far-field work, for supernovae watch, proton decay, and long baseline mass hierarchy and CP violation experiments. 

Contact : platchkov


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