GRETINA: Status, Physics Highlights, and Future Plans
Jeudi 30/04/2015, 11:00-12:00
Bat 703, p 45, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

GRETINA is a first implementation of a gamma-ray tracking spectrometer. Currently, it consists of eight, four-crystal modules.  The four individually encapsulated crystals (6x6 segmented) share a common cryostat, and they pack into a spherical shell spanning just over 1 pi solid angle.

GRETINA was constructed and commissioned at LBNL. It completed its first  physics campaign at NSCL/MSU in July of 2013 and is now running at ATLAS/ANL.  

In this seminar, I will give a short overview of the project, including technical  aspects and performance measures, and present some highlights from the experimental program carried out at NSCL, as well as initial results from the ATLAS campaign.

Future plans for GRETINA and its evolution into GRETA, the full 4 pi array, will also be discussed.

Contact : platchkov


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