Di-Nucleus Dynamics toward Mono-Nucleus in Heavy-Ion Fusion
Y. Abe
RCNP Osaka University
Mardi 30/10/2018, 11:00
Bat 703, p 135 salle visio-conférence, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

Very small production cross sections of SHEs are due to a fragility of the SHE nuclei as well as due to so-called Fusion Hindrance in massive systems.  For the latter, there is no commonly accepted theory, nor model.  We have proposed the extremely hindered Formation Probability, which Swiatecki calls Hindrance Factor.  There still remains overestimations of residue cross sections of SHE, and then he has to introduce phenomenologically an arbitrary parameter, injection point to reproduce measured residue cross sections.   Recently we have found a dynamical origin for the parameter, and obtained a simple analytic formula for the parameter.   We hope that it will be useful for predictions of future SHE experiments.


Collaborators : D. Boilley, GANIL/Univ.Normandy

                        ( B. Cauchois and Q. Hourdille )

                        C.W. Shen, School of Science, Huzhou Univ

Contact : Barbara SULIGNANO


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