On behalf of the "Espace de Structure et de réactions Nucléaires Théorique" (ESNT), the workshop entitled: "Quantitative Challenges in Short-Range Correlations in nuclei" will be held on 30th January-3rd February at CEA-Saclay, Orme-des-Merisiers site.
Five days of talks and discussions are planned to achieve the following goals:
1. To review the recent experimental results on SRC and EMC effect from Jefferson Lab, Dubna and GSI using different experimental probes,
2. To present the different theoretical approaches in the description of SRC in nuclear structure calculations (contact formalism,
quasi-deuteron approach, ab-initio approaches),
3. To survey appropriate methods of reaction theory, with specific focus on hadron induced reactions,
4. To isolate the most relevant observables that should be measured / calculated,
5. To discuss the roadmap for future experimental and theoretical developments.
For details about the updated program, see the ESNT Web pages: https://esnt.cea.fr >> Ateliers 2023
For further information and registration, please contact the organizers of the project (see the Web page of the workshop).
Program sessions
Monday 30th, Tue. 31st Jan. - Electromagnetic probes
Wed. 1st, Thr. 2nd Feb. - Hadronic probes
Friday 3rd Feb. - Perspectives