Nuclear ab initio spectroscopy
ESNT workshop
du 21/05/2024 au 24/05/2024
Bat 703, p 135 salle visio-conférence, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers

On behalf of the "Espace de Structure et de réactions Nucléaires Théorique" (ESNT), the workshop entitled: "Nuclear ab initio spectroscopy" will be held on 21st-24th April at CEA-Saclay, Orme-des-Merisiers site.

The main goals of the workshop are:  
1. to review existing ab initio approaches to nuclear spectroscopy in light- and medium-mass nuclei,
2. to discuss limitations of current methods and possible workarounds. 
For details about the updated program, see the ESNT Web pages: >> Ateliers 2024
For further information and registration, please contact the organizers of the project (see the Web page of the workshop).
Contact : Valerie LAPOUX


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