1.1 Basic Functions

1.1.1 Evaluating an expression

C-x C-e
→ evaluate a fonction in an Emacs window, if the cursor is right after the closing parenthesis ⇔ M-x eval-last-sexp.
M-x eval-region
→ evaluate the code contained in a selected region.
M-x eval-buffer
→ evaluate the code of the whole buffer.
M-x load-file <file>
→ evaluate the code contained in the file <file>.
M-x eval-expression <expr>
→ evaluate the expression <expr>.
M-x ielm
→ launch the Emacs Shell, which is the interactive elisp command evaluator.

1.1.2 Help & Documentation

C-h f <funcname>
→ describe the function ⇔ M-x describe-function. The generic character, *, can be used.
C-h v <varname>
→ describe the variable ⇔ M-x describe-variable.
M-x emacs-index-search
→ search the emacs manual.
M-x elisp-index-search
→ search the elisp manual.
→ get out of the debugger..
C-h e
→ print the "*Messages*" buffer.

1.1.3 Displaying messages

Displaying messages to the user is done with the command message:

(message "Hello")
→ every character string.
(message "the file is %s" (buffer-name))
%s denotes a character string.
(message "the list is %S" (list 8 2 3))
%S denotes any elisp expression.
(message "fill-column = %d" fill-column)
%d denotes a number.

1.2 Operators

Operations have the form: (<operator> <variable1> ... <variableN>).

1.2.1 Arithmetic

Elisp considers 2 and 2. as integers and 2.0 as a real.

→ addition.
→ subtraction.
→ multiplication.
→ division:
  • integer (modulo), if the numbers are integers;
  • else real division.
→ remainder of the integer division.
→ exponent.
→ convert an integer to a real.
→ truncate a real..
→ round to the lower integer.
→ round to the upper integer.
→ round to the closest integer.
→ convert a character to a number.
→ convert a character to a number.

1.2.2 Booleans

Functions finishing by a p (for predicate) often have a boolean result: e.g integerp, floatp.

nil ou () (liste vide).
Basic operators for numbers
<, >, <=, >=, =, /=, or, and.
→ compare two variables (values and types).
→ compare two strings.

1.3 Variables

  • Variables do not need to be declared.
  • Variables defined with set or setq are global.
  • Variables defined with let are local.

1.3.1 Assigning variables

Variable assignment
(set 'famous-guitars '(Gibson Fender PRS)) then (message "Famous guitars are %s" famous-guitars).
Alternate assignment
(setq famous-guitars '(Gibson Fender PRS)).
Example (incrementation)
(setq counter 0) then (setq counter (+ counter 1)).
Temporary/local assignment
(let <varlist> <body>).
Case with initializing
(let (<var1> <val1>) (<var2> <val2>) etc) <body>) if <val?> are omitted, <var?> are initialized to nil.
(defvar <var> <val>) assign <val> to <var> only if <var> is nil (has not been assigned yet).

1.3.2 Character strings

(length "<string>")
→ number of characters in <string>.
(substring "<string>" <n> <m>)
→ extract the sub-string in <string> between the <n> and <m> characters.
(replace-regexp-in-string "<regexp>" "<replacement>" "<string>")
→ replace the characters in <string> satisfying the regular expression <regexp> by <replacement>.
(concat "<str1>" "<str2>")
→ concatenate the strings <str1> and <str2>.
(string-math "<regexp>" "<str>")
→ verify if strings <str> corresponds to the regular expression <regexp>.
(split-string "<str>" "<separ>")
→ return the sub-strings in <str> obtained by splitting it at the separators <separ>.
Comparing string lengths
→ (string-lessp <a> <b>).

1.3.3 Lists

Lists (ab, cd, etc. are "atoms")
→ (ab cd ef2).
(list <el1> ... <eln>) creates the list of elements <el1> to <eln>.
List starting with a quote
→ '(ab cd ef2); the starting quote tells LISP to not interpret the list. If the list does not start with a quote, the first element is a command and the other a re arguments. For instance, the list (+ 2 2) returns 4. It can be evaluated by placing the cursor right after the list and typing C-x C-e.
Initializing a list
(make-list <length> <initval>) creates a list of length <length> with <initval> everywhere.
Ramps of values
(number-sequence <n> <m> <step>) creates a list of numbers between <n> and <m> with a step <step>. These numbers can be real or integer. If <step> is not provided, it is 1. If, moreover, <m> is not provided, the list is simply (<n>).
(elt <list> <ind>) returns the element in <list> at the index <ind>.

1.3.4 Vectors

→ several methods:
  • (make-vector <length> <value>) creates a vector of length <length> where each element has the value <value>;
  • (vector <el1> ... <eln>) creates a vector containing the elements <el1> to <eln>;
  • [<el1> ... <eln>] creates a vector without its elements being evaluated.
(fillarray <vect> <val>) fills the vector <vect> with the values <val>.
(length <vect>) gives the length of <vect>.
(aref <vect> <ind>) returns the element of <vect> at the index <ind>.
(aset <vect> <ind> <val>) assigns the value <val> to the element of <vect> at index <ind>.
(vconcat <vect1> <vect2>) returns a vector made with the elements of <vect1> followed by those of <vect2>.
Converting to a list
(append <vect> nil) returns a list containing the elements of <vect>.

1.4 Text Editing

The position is expressed in number of characters (starting at 1, at the upper left corner).

1.4.1 Cursor position

→ cursor position in number of characters, starting at the beginning of the file.
→ beginning of the selection.
→ end of the selection.
→ position of the beginning of the line from the beginning of the file.
→ position of the end of the line from the beginning of the file.
→ line number.
→ beginning of the file.
→ end of the file.
→ set a mark at the current position.

1.4.2 Moving the cursor

(goto-char <n>)
→ move the cursor to position <n>.
(forward-char <n>)
→ move the cursor forward by <n> characters.
(backward-char <n>)
→ move the cursor backward by <n> characters.
(search-forward "<string>")
→ move the cursor to the end of the first occurrence of <string>.
(search-backward "<string>")
→ move the cursor at the beginning of he previous occurrence of <string>.
(skip-chars-forward "<regexp>")
→ forward search of the first character that is not in <regexp>.
(skip-chars-backward "<regexp>")
→ backward search of the first character that is not in <regexp>.
(save-excursion <body>)
→ execute <body>, then move the cursor back to its original position.

1.4.3 Editing

(delete-char <n>)
→ erase <n> characters, starting at the position of the cursor.
(delete-region <n> <m>)
→ erase the characters between positions <n> and <m>.
(insert "<string>")
→ insert <string> at the current position.
(setq x (buffer-substring <n> <m>))
→ copy in x the text between positions <n> and <m>.
(capitalize-region <n> <m>)
→ convert in upper case letters the text between positions <n> and <m>.


2.1 Syntaxe of Functions

Simple function
(defun <name> (<arg1> <arg2> etc) "Doc" (<code>)).
Fonction interactive
(defun <name> (<arg1> <arg2> etc) "Doc" (interactive) (<code>)) → once C-x C-e has been done on this function, it can be called by typing:
C-u <args> M-x <name>
→ if it has arguments;
M-x <name>
→ otherwise.
(lambda <args> <body>) defines a function with arguments <args> and instructions <body>.

2.2 Algorithmic

2.2.1 Decision

(if <test> <body>)
→ without alternative.
(if <test> <bodytrue> <bodyfalse>)
→ with alternative.
(when <test> <expr1> <expr2>)
→ other form without alternative.

2.2.2 Iteration

(while <test> <body>)
→ standard while loop.

2.2.3 Expression blocks

(progn <expr1> <expr2>)
→ execute <expr1> then <expr2>.

2.3 Scripts

2.3.1 Command line

Launch emacs <options> <file>.el args, with options:

→ does not load the initialization file;
→ does not launch the editor and does not use the initialization file;
→ execute elisp file in the <path>;
→ equivalent to --batch --load=<path>;
→ optional arguments, which can be recovered with the variable argv.


3.1 Buffers

→ buffer name.
→ name of the file where the buffer is saved.
→ the buffer itself.
→ the other buffer.
(set-buffer <name>)
→ set the buffer name to <name>.
(switch-to-buffer <buffer>)
→ toggle to buffer <name>.
→ returns the number of characters in the buffer.
→ save the buffer.
(kill-buffer "<name>")
→ closes the buffer <name>.

3.2 Files

(find-file "<file>")
→ open the file <file> in a buffer.
(write-file "<file>")
→ write the file <file>. Do not use while executing a script, rather use (write-region (point-min) (point-max) "<file>").
(write-region <n> <m> "<file>")
→ write a region in a file; <m> can be nil.
(insert-file-contents "<file>")
→ insert the content of a file <file> at the current position.
(append-to-file <n> <m> "<file>")
→ insert the text between positions <n> and <m> in the file <file>.
(rename-file "<oldname>" "<newname>")
→ rename the file.
(file-name-directory "<file>")
→ extract the directory in the path to file <file>.
(file-name-nondirectory "<file>")
→ extract the name of the file in the path to <file>.
(file-name-extension "<file>")
→ extract the extension of file <file>.
(file-name-nonextension "<file>")
→ extract the name without extension of file <file>.
(directory-files "<path>" <FULL> <MATCH> <NOSORT>)
→ return a list of files and directories in <path>, with the following optional arguments:
→ boolean indicating if the path is relative or absolute;
→ string that must be in the names;
→ boolean indicating if the list is sorted.
(or load-file-name buffer-file-name)
→ find the name of the script currently called by emacs.

3.3 Lists

First element of a list
(car '(<a> <b> <c>))<a>.
Nth element in a list
(nth 2 '(<a0> <a1> <a2> <a3>))<a2>.
Removing the first element
(cdr '(<a> <b> <c>))<b> <c>.
Removing the Nth first elements
(nthcdr 3 '(<a1> <a2> <a3> <a4> <a5>))<a4> <a5>.
Adding elements to a list
(cons '<a> (<b> <c>))<a> <b> <c>.
Merging to lists
(append '<list1> '<list2>).
Lenght of a list
(length '<liste>).
Removing the last elements
(butlast <list> <n>) removes the last <n> elements of <list>. If <n> is absent, its value is assumed to be 1.
Adding elements at the begining of a list
(cons <el> <list>) returns <list> with the element <el> (can be a list) added at the beginning.
Suppressing elements
(pop <list>) removes the first element of the list and returns this element.
Remplacing elements
(setcar <list> <el>) replace the first element of <list> by <el>.

3.4 Sequences

A sequence can be a list, a vector or a string.

(mapcar '<func> <seq>) apply the function ,func. to all the elements of the sequence <seq>. The function returns the modified sequence.
(mapc '<func> '<seq>) similar to mapcar, but returns nil.
(dolist (<var> <list> <result>) <body>) returns in <result> (optional) the list <list> whose elements have been modified according to the instructions in <body> on variable <var>.
(dotimes (<var> <count> <result>) <body>) returns in <result> (optional) the iteration <count> times the instructions of <body> on variable <var>.

3.5 Text Writing

Printing a string
(print "<string>").
Same without carriage return
(prin1 "<string>").
(print (format "<form>" <s1> ... <sn>)) print strings <s1> to <sn> following the format <form>. Formatting options are:
decimal numbers
scientific notation of real numbers
%e or %g;
real with a floating decimal

3.6 Shell Commands

(shell-command "<command>")
→ execute the command <command>.
(shell-command-to-string "<command>")
→ exwcute the command <command> and returns the output in a list.
(start-process-shell-command "<command>")
→ launch the command <command> without waiting for the end of its execution.


4.1 Inserting Text

(defun insert-lisp ()
  "Insert lisp environment at cursor point."
  (insert "#+BEGIN_SRC lisp\n\n#+END_SRC")
  (backward-char 10))

4.2 Inserting Text Around a Region

(defun wrap-lisp-region ()
  "Put a region in a lisp environment."
    (goto-char (region-end))
    (insert "\n#+END_SRC\n")
    (goto-char (region-beginning))
    (insert "#+BEGIN_SRC lisp\n")))

4.3 Selecting the Current Word

(defun select-current-word ()
  "Select the word under cursor.
“word” here is considered any alphanumeric sequence with “_” or “-”."
  (let (pt)
    (skip-chars-backward "-_A-Za-z0-9")
    (setq pt (point))
    (skip-chars-forward "-_A-Za-z0-9")
    (set-mark pt)))

4.4 Selecting the Current Line

(defun select-current-line ()
  "Select the current line"
  (let ((pos (line-beginning-position)))
    (set-mark pos)))

4.5 Searching for the Current Word

(defun word-definition-lookup ()
"Look up the word under cursor in a browser."
   (concat "" (thing-at-point 'symbol))))

4.6 Reading a File and Converting It to a String

(defun get-string-from-file (filePath)
  "Return filePath's file content."
    (insert-file-contents filePath)

4.7 Reading a File and Converting It to a List of Lines

(defun read-lines (filePath)
  "Return a list of lines of a file at filePath."
    (insert-file-contents filePath)
    (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))


Author: F. Galliano
Last update: 05 janv. 2024