FFT-convolved maps =================== Intro ----- A very simple, fast and accurate data projection (3D->2D) method : each particle/AMR cell is convolved by a 2D gaussian kernel (`Splatter`) which size depends on the local AMR grid level. The convolution of the binned particles/AMR cells histogram with the gaussian kernels is performed with FFT techniques by a :class:`~pymses.analysis.visualization.fft_projection.MapFFTProcessor`. You can see two examples of this method below : * :ref:`particles_fft_map` * :ref:`amr_fft_map` .. Topic:: Important note on operators You must keep in mind that any `X` :class:`~pymses.analysis.visualization.Operator` you use with this method must describe an **extensive** physical variable since this method compute a summation over particle/AMR quantities : :math:`map[i,j] = \displaystyle\sum_{\text{particles/AMR cells}} X` Examples -------- .. _particles_fft_map: Particles map ************* .. plot:: pyplots/fft_map_part.py :include-source: .. _amr_fft_map: AMR data map ************ .. plot:: pyplots/fft_map_amr.py :include-source: