import numpy import pylab from pymses import RamsesOutput from pymses.filters import RegionFilter, PointFunctionFilter from pymses.utils.regions import Sphere from pymses.analysis import bin_spherical from pymses.utils import constants as C # Halo parameters halo_center = [ 0.567811, 0.586055, 0.559156 ] # in box units halo_radius = 0.00075 # in box units # RamsesOutput ro = RamsesOutput("/data/Aquarius/output", 193) # Prepare to read the mass/epoch fields only source = ro.particle_source(["mass", "epoch"]) # Sphere region sph = Sphere(halo_center, halo_radius) # Filtering particles point_dset = RegionFilter(sph, source) dm_filter = lambda dset: dset["epoch"] == 0.0 dm_parts = PointFunctionFilter(dm_filter, point_dset) # Profile computation m_weight_func = lambda dset: dset["mass"] r_bins = numpy.linspace(0.0, halo_radius, 200) # Mass profile # This triggers the actual reading of the particle data files from disk. mass_profile = bin_spherical(dm_parts, halo_center, m_weight_func, r_bins, divide_by_counts=False) # Density profile sph_vol = 4.0/3.0 * numpy.pi * r_bins**3 shell_vol = numpy.diff(sph_vol) rho_profile = mass_profile / shell_vol # Plot # Geometrical midpoint of the bins length =["unit_length"].express(C.kpc) bins_centers = (r_bins[1:]+r_bins[:-1])/2. * length dens =["unit_density"].express(C.Msun/C.kpc**3) pylab.semilogy(bins_centers, rho_profile * dens, 'r-') pylab.xlabel("r (kpc)") pylab.ylabel(r"$\rho$ ($M_{\odot}.kpc^{-3}$)") pylab.title("Spherical density profile")