

Very large scale cosmological simulation : bigger_movieM.avi

This movie shows the final snapshot of the HORIZON 4PI simulation performed at CCRT during the summer of 2007. With 70 billion particles and 140 billion AMR cells, this simulation was the largest ever performed at that time. This movie, designed by S. Colombi (IAP Paris) and R. Teyssier (CEA Saclay), explores in 3D the 2 Gpc/h box at superluminal speed. Credit: Projet Horizon.

Gas distribution during a galaxy collision : antennes_gas.avi

Simulation of the Antennae galaxies. Credit: Damien Chapon.

Galaxy formation simulation, stars, edge-on view : gri_mapy.mpg

This movie shows the formation of a galaxy similar to the Milky Way. The time evolution can be seen with the redshift indicated on the upper-left corner. The movie is designed to look like a real astronomical image (using the Sloan gri bands) of the stars in the galaxy. Credit: Romain Teyssier.

Galaxy formation simulation, stars, face-on view : gri_mapz.mpg

Same galaxy but viewed from a different angle. Note the small bar forming at the end of the simulation in the centre of the galaxy. Credit: Romain Teyssier.

Galaxy formation simulation, gas, edge-on view : gas_mapy.mpg

This movie shows the evolution of the gas in the region where a galaxy like the Milky Way forms. The RGB images' color coding shows the temperature in red, the metallicity of the gas in green and the gas density in blue. One clearly sees at early times cold filaments feeding the central galaxy with fresh primordial gas and a strong galactic wind propagating in beetwen these streams. Credit: Romain Teyssier.

Via Lactea galaxy simulation, RGB rendering of the gas : VL2.mpg

This movie shows the evolution of the gas in the region where a galaxy like the Milky Way forms. The RGB color coding is the same as before but the resolution is much hgher. Credit: Oscar Agertz.