Miscellaneous :
Esposito et al. 2012ATel 4309
: - IBIS spectrum fitted with power law Γ=1.6
Bozzo et al. 2012ATel 4322
: - Swift XRT follow up
- No IR/optical counterpart within XRT error box, but 2MASS J17555833-2613457
and J17555783-2613530 lie just outside
- XRT spectrum => NH~6.0 x1022 cm-2 and Γ~1.4 (large uncertainties)
Rojas et al. 2012ATel 4342
: - Search for IR counterpart in the archival VVV survey
- Presence of 10 sources in addition to the two 2MASS sources
- None show significant variability in the Ks band
- Cannot tell which (if any) of these sources is the quiescent
counterpart to IGR J17559-2612