Miscellaneous :
Kennea et al. 2006:
ATel 788
- Absorbed powerlaw fit to Swift data yields Gamma = 0.7(+2.2,-0.2) and NH = 4(+6/-3)x1022 cm-2.
- Possible NIR counterpart in 2MASS catalog is only 2.6 arcseconds away with magnitudes J=14.9, H=12.7, Ks=12.1.
Bykov et al. 2006:
- Absorbed powerlaw fit to Swift/ISGRI data yields Gamma = 1.3(+-0.2) and NH =
6.1x1022 cm-2.
- J=13.0, H=11.5, Ks=10.7, Red=18.1, Blue>22.5
- Possible extended radio counterparty but association not so clear
- Couterpart to 3EG J2020+4023
Ajello et al. 2008:
Atel 1497
- IGR J20187+4041 positionnaly coincident with recently detected variable AGILE source, and also BAT source.
- XRT-BAT spectra well fitted with absorbed power-law NH=12.4x1022 cm-2, and
- Jan. 2005-Mar. 2007 BAT lightcurve consistent with constant
Halpern 2008:
Atel 1498
- 2MASX J20183871+4041003 outside the EGRET error box
- 2MASX source has blazar-like characteristics not based on any physical property of the galaxy
(as e.g. the absence of a compact radio source).
- Relationship of the AGILE source to 2MASX J20183871+4041003 is problematic for similar reasons.
- I-band image of 2MASX J20183871+4041003 from the MDM 2.4m telescope=>
bulge and disk are clearly resolved
- Nearby (z<0.1) Seyfert galaxy
- Contrast with the fact that blazars are normally found in elliptical galaxies.
Pandel et al. 2008:
Atel 1595
- XMM observations=> spectrum well fitted by an absorbed power law
with NH=8 x1022 cm-2 and Γ=1.2
- 0.5-10 keV flux =4.3 x10-12 erg/cm2/s.
- Flux and spectral parameters are consistent with Swift observation performed in 2006=>no variability between those two observations.
Trejo et al. 2008:
Atel 1597
- E-VLBI observations of 2MASX J20183871+4041003 => peak brightness of 0.72 +/- 0.05 mJy and an integrated flux density
of 2.3 +/- 0.2 mJy.
- Presence of a compact radio component => eligible candidate for being the counterpart
to the variable gamma source in the Cygnus region
- Low density of the flux does not suggest recent flaring activity in the source.
Goncalves et al. 2008:
Atel 1623
- Spectroscopic observations of 2MASX J20183871+4041003
- They report the detection of narrow emission lines of Hα, N II,
a doublet S II, and S III, stellar photospheric absorption
in Ca II (3 lines)
- z = 0.0144
- Near-IR continuum dominated by starlight.
- Low luminosity Sey. Tentative classification as a Sey 2.
- Refute the association with EG J2020+4017 or AGL2021+4029.