Laboratoire Dynamique des Etoiles, des (Exo)-planètes, et de leur environnement


R. Adam (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, FR)

C. Adami (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique, Marseille, FR)

S. Alis (Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, TR)

B. Altieri (European Space Astronomy Center, Madrid, ES)

C. Baguley (University of Bristol, UK)

N. Baran (University of Zagreb, HR)

C. Benoist (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, FR)

S. Bhargava (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

M. Birkishaw (University of Bristol, UK)

W. Black (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US)

A. Bongiorno (Rome Observatory, Italy)

M. Bremer (University of Bristol, UK)

A. Cappi (INAF-OABO, Bologna, IT)

C. Caretta (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique, Marseille, FR)

N. Cerardi (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

L. Chiappetti (INAF-IASF, Milano, IT)

P. Ciliegi (INAF-OABO, Bologna, IT)

N. Clerc (MPE, Garching, DE)

P. S. Corasaniti (Observatoire de Paris, FR)

J. Crossett (Leiden University, NL)

J. Coupon (ISCD, Geneva Observatory, CH)

J. Delhaize (University of Zagreb, HR)

I. Delvecchio (University of Zagreb, HR)

Sh. Desai (University of Illinois, US)

J. Devriendt  (University of Oxford, UK)

Y. Dubois  (University of Oxford, UK)

D. Eckert (ISCD, Geneva Observatory, CH)

S. Ettori (Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, IT)

A. E. Evrard  (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US)

A. Farahi (Carnegie Mellon University, US)

C. Ferrari (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, FR)

S. Fotopoulou (ISCD, Geneva Observatory, CH)

C. Garrel (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

F. Gastadello (INAF-IASF, Milan, IT)

I. Georgantopoulos (Observatory of Athens, GR)

P. Giles (University of Bristol, UK)

C. Horellou (Chalmers University of Technology, Onsala, SE)

M. Huynh (University of Western Austalia, AU)

A. Iovino (INAF-OAB, Brera, IT)

N. Jerlin (University of Zagreb, HR)

A. Le Brun (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

J.-P. Le Fevre (Département d'Informatique CEA, Saclay, FR)

M. Lieu (European Space Astronomy Center, Madrid, ES)

G. Lingsong (ISCD, Geneva Observatory, CH)

C. Logan  (University of Bristol, UK)



M. Kilbinger (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

K.  Kolokythas (IUCAA, Pune, IN)

E. Koulouridis (National Observatory of Athens, GR)

Ch. Lidman (Australian Astronomical Observatory, Epping, AU)

F. Marulli (University of Bologna, IT)

B. Maughan (University of Bristol, UK)

A. Mantz (Stanford University, US)

V. Masoura (Observatory of Athens, GR)

S. Maurogordato (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, FR)

I. McCarthy (University of Liverpool, UK)

S. McGee (University of Birmingham, UK)

J.-B. Melin (Département de Physique des Particules CEA, Saclay, FR)

O. Melnyk  (University of Zagreb, HR)

L. Moscardini (University of Bologna, IT)

M. Novak (University of Zagreb, HR)

F. Pacaud (Argelander-Institut fur Astronomie, Bonn, DE)

S. Paltani (ISCD, Geneva Observatory, CH)

E. Piconcelli (INAF-OAR, Roma, IT)

M. Pierre (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

M. Plionis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Physics, GR)

B. Poggianti (Observatory of Padova, IT)

D. Pomarede (Département d'Informatique CEA, Saclay, FR)

E. Pompei (European Southern Observatory, Garching, DE)

T. Ponman (University of Birmingham, UK)

E. Pouliasis (National Observatory of Athens, GR)

M. E. Ramos Ceja (Argelander-Institut fur Astronomie, Bonn, DE)

P. Ranalli (University of Lund, SE)

D. Rapetti (Copenhagen University, DK)

S. Raychaudhury (University of Birmingham, UK)

T. Reiprich (Argelander-Institut fur Astronomie, Bonn, DE)

M. Ricci (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, FR)

D. Rosario (Durham University, UK)

H. Rottgering (Leiden Observatory, NL)

T. Sadibekova (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

J.-L. Sauvageot (Département d'Astrophysique CEA, Saclay, FR)

C. Schimd (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique, Marseille, FR)

M. Sereno (University of Bologna, IT)

G.P. Smith (University of Birmingham, UK)

B. Slaus (University of Zagreb, HR)

V. Smolcic (University of Zagreb, HR)

J. Surdej  (University of Liege, BE)

A. Trudeau (University of Victoria, CA)

K. Umetsu (ASIAA, Taipei, TW)

P. Valageas (Institut de Physique Theorique du CEA, Saclay, FR)

I. Valtchanov (European Space Astronomy Center, Madrid, ES)

A. Veropalumbo (University of Bologna, IT)

C. Vignali (University of Bologna, IT)

J. Willis (University of Victoria, CA)


#3077 - Last update : 10/04 2021


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