Exotic nuclear pairing condensates
George Bertsch
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Jeudi 10/02/2011, 16:00
Bat 703, p 45, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers



Spin-triplet pairing may compete favorably against ordinary spin-single
pairing when neutron and proton numbers are equal and the nucleus is very
large.  We investigate this question using an energy functional derived from
an empirical Hamiltonian parameterization the Bogoliubov approximation.
Critical to the competition are the relative strengths of spin-single and
spin-triplet interactions and the strength of the one-body spin-orbit field.
For N=Z, strong spin-triplet pairing occurs just beyond the domain of
physically realizable nuclei.  Just off the N=Z line, the condensate may
have a mixed character with both spin-triplet and spin-singlet pairing.

Contact : platchkov


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