Gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments at the RIBF: Recent results and perspectives
Pieter Doornenbal
Vendredi 14/12/2012, 11:00
Bat 703, p 45, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers


In the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) stable primary beams of energies up to 345 MeV/nucleon are used to produce radioactive isotope beams via in-flight separation with the BigRIPS fragment separator. For gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments these radioactive beams are either incident on a secondary target for in-beam experiments or stopped to measure isomeric or beta-delayed gamma-emission.  
The first in-beam gamma-ray experiments performed at the RIBF targeted the  "Island of Inversion", a region in which the standard ordering of shells is disturbed by neutron intruder configuration across the N=20 shell gap. Recent experiments include the first spectroscopy of 54Ca and the regions around the doubly-magic 78Ni, and 100,132Sn nuclei.
For stopped beams, the EURICA spectrometer has been commissioned in April 2012 and first experiments were performed around 100Sn in July 2012 and 238U fission fragments were studied in November/December 2012. 
Besides showing (preliminary) selected results from these first experiments and a description of the gamma-ray spectroscopy setups, an outlook on future gamma-ray spectroscopy campaigns at the RIBF will be given.
Contact : platchkov


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