95 MeV Carbon fragmentation measurements and comparisons with GEANT4 simulations for hadrontherapy
Jérémie Dudouet
LPC Caen
Vendredi 31/01/2014, 11:00-12:00
Bat 703, p 45, CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers
To keep the benets of carbon ions in radiotherapy, a very high accuracy on the dose
deposition location is needed. However, the dose deposition is aected by nuclear processes
of the incident ions with tissues elements leading to a reducing number of projectiles with
their penetration depth (up to 70% for 400 MeV/u 12C in water), to the production of
lighter fragments having dierent biological eectiveness and longer traveling paths. Up to
now, the simulation codes are not able to reproduce nuclear processes with the required
accuracy for clinical treatments. To improve the models and reach the required accuracy
for a reference simulation code for hadrontherapy, an experiment has been performed on
thin targets by our collaboration on May 2011 at GANIL to study nuclear reactions of 95
MeV/u 12C ions with H, C, O, Al, Ti and PMMA (tissue equivalent) targets. These data
have been completed with a second experiment performed on September 2013 in order to
obtain fragmentation cross sections at an angle of 0°. GEANT4 simulations have been done
using several entrance channel models : Binary Intra-nuclear Cascade, Quantum Molecular
Dynamics and Liege Intra-Nuclear Cascade, coupled to either Generalized Evaporation
Model or Fermi Break-Up as exit channel models.
Contact : platchkov


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