INCL licensing agreement |
Rules for INCL++ users
The Liège intranuclear cascade code, INCL, is developed jointly by
CEA-Irfu and the University of Liège. The code version you are about to
request should be cited in any publication as described in the LICENSE.pdf
- The code is intended only for non-commercial use and is available on simple
request to one of the authors.
- Users are not allowed to distribute the code or parts of it to other
people, unless explicitly authorized by the authors.
- Users are kindly requested to report bugs or malfunctioning of the code to
the authors so that they could be corrected as soon as possible.
- Although this is not recommended because the authors have built the code
with what they think are the best physics ingredients and checked it against a
wide set of experimental data, users can make modifications in the code. In
this case, they must inform the authors of the detail of their modifications.
They are required to state explicitly in any publication that they did not use
the standard version and quote the modifications.
- Users are kindly asked not to copy parts of the code for use in other codes
without informing the authors.
The authors make no warranty, express or implied, of the correctness or
accuracy of the code, and do not assume any liability or responsibility for
damages arising from the use of the code.
In order to produce results to be compared to experimental data, INCL has to be
coupled to a de-excitation code. The present distribution contains the ABLA07
de-excitation code, developed at GSI. Unless explicitly stated by the
respective authors, the above-quoted rules also apply to the de-excitation
codes. The respective proper references and contact persons are given below:
- ABLA07
- A. Kelic, M.V. Ricciardi and K.-H. Schmidt, Proceedings of the
Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on Model Codes for Spallation Reactions, ICTP
Trieste, Italy, 4-8 February 2008, D. Filges et al., Eds., IAEA INDC(NDS)-530,
Vienna, 2008, p181, available
Contact person: Aleksandra Kelic-Heil (e-mail address in the
LICENSE.pdf file).
This license text is also available in the software package that you are requesting.