Outstanding results from this Japanese X-rays observatory
Despite a short period of activity, the japanese space agency (Jaxa) Hitomi satellite has shown its full potential by delivering relevant information’s on several celestial objects. In a series of works based on these observations and gathered in an issue of the review Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ), the Hitomi collaboration (among it researchers from the Astrophysical Department of CEA-Irfu Saclay) presents results that take advantage of the exceptional spectral resolution of the SXS spectrometer, one of the payload instrument. At the heart of this work is a detailed study of the dynamics of plasma in the center of an active galactic nucleus, of the ejecta of several supernova remnants, of the composition of matter in a binary system or the search for X and radio correlations in the Crab pulsar thanks to the high temporal resolution. Performed during the verification and calibration phase of the instruments before the satellite failed, these observations and the quality of the results confirm the community's choice on the instruments and the high potential of the high resolution X-rays spectroscopy. The Hitomi team is currently preparing its successor, Xrism (X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission) and ESA is on its side working on the Athena project, a major X-rays observatory in which CEA is deeply involved
Read more in : Haute résolution pour le satellite Hitomi (in French)
Contact: Philippe Laurent
Publications: Works published in the review Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ)
See also: – Calme au sein de l’amas de Persée (in french, 7 juillet 2016)
– Exploration of the hot Universes (17 février 2016)
– ASTRO-H (in french, 31 juillet 2014)
See: Communication du Service d'Astrophysique
Rédaction : C. Gouiffès