The second CLAS12 European Workshop, held together with the CLAS Collaboration Meeting, is organized in Paris - France from March 7 to March 11, 2011 at CNRS Head Office, rue Michel Ange in the 16th arrondissement.
Please read the access policy in the Practical information section.
The registration fee is 150 Euros, which includes all coffee breaks, lunches as well as the workshop dinner. Specific details for reduced fee are explained in the Practical information section. Payment will have to be made either through international bank transfer to the CEA Bank account (mentioning "Workshop CLAS12" in the heading) or with cash (Euros only) at the start of the workshop in Paris.
As for students participating to Workshop and Meeting, fees are waived.
Focus of the Workshop

In less than three years from now, the Jefferson Lab upgrade will be completed, allowing to deliver energies up to 12 GeV. During the same time span, several new detectors will be installed in Hall B, transforming the existing CLAS spectrometer into a new apparatus, CLAS12. The workshop will offer the opportunity to learn about the CLAS12 spectrometer, its baseline equipment and additional detectors that will extend its capabilities. The current physics program as well as new possible directions will be presented and discussed. The goal of the workshop is also to strengthen existing ties and to foster new relationships between Jefferson Lab and European physicists interested in the 12 GeV physics program. Parallel to the 12 GeV equipment and physics, highlights from the current physics program at 6 GeV will be presented, as well as some intersections of the current and future program with experiments conducted or planned at other facilities.

CLAS Collaboration Meeting
The CLAS Collaboration Meeting will be taking place during the workshop including presentations on recent CLAS experiments, analysis results, and the regular working groups parallel sessions.
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