MUSCADE(r) µS.C.A.D.A for Embedded or Centralized System
Java Applet for debugging, monitoring, diagnosis and configuration of electronic equipment including a Web server and
a Modbus(r) / TCP server.
Main Features:
- Graphics Engine, multiwindow, multi-platform, running only on client computer in the Java virtual machine from ORACLE.
- Acquisition of data on the client computer in periodic , snapshot and pre/post-trigger modes.
- Replaying recorded datas on all synoptics. Graphical simultaneous displays for recorded and on-line datas.
- Executing of user scripts with the Rhino/JavaScript engine 1.7R4 from Mozilla with licence MPL v2.0 @
- Programs and data certified with code signing Java.
- Possibility of synoptic edition with AutoCAD® Light of Autodesk.
- Runtime size ~ 2 MB. Application database from size 100 KB.
- Synchronized communication with program cycle of a Programmable Logical Controller Siemens S7-300
up to ~ 5Ko/ fixed cycle(50 ms) with CEA-S7 protocol over Siemens Industrial Ethernet.
- Available Muscade Client for Android
- Sending mails on events.
Runtime Display built with the Editor AutoCAD(r) Light from Autodesk
Runtime Display built with the Editor(Anibuild) included in MUSCADE Toolkit
- Embedded S.C.A.D.A, supervisory and acquisition of data with Java WEB technology
Application types:
- 1. Embedded for any electronic system including a WEB server, a Modbus(r)/TCP server and a space to store the MUSCADE runtime with its application database.
- 2. Centralized for a WEB server PC that comunicate with electronic equipments including Modbus(r)/TCP server over an Ethernet network.
Control command architecture for embedded and centralized systems
- More information on software architecture...
- Muscade Toolkit demo 1 with Adobe® Flash®.
- Muscade Toolkit demo 2 for product Crevis Fn-IO & IOGuide with Adobe® Flash®.
Access to a Free Toolkit/Runtime of MUSCADE
A training course with our partners is required to receive a login to access the CEA server and to download a Free Toolkit/Runtime of MUSCADE.
- Access to training courses and the list of our partners...
If you received a training certificate and a login from our partners, you can access to the page for downloading the installer of the Toolkit
Update page : 2016.12.05