15 février 2024
Sara Bolognesi, physicist at Irfu, receives the CNRS silver medal for the 2024 prize list
Sara Bolognesi, physicist at Irfu, receives the CNRS silver medal for the 2024 prize list

Sara Bolognesi (credit S. Bolognesi)

Sara Bolognesi, a physicist in Irfu's particle physics department, has been awarded the CNRS 2024 silver medal in the particle physics speciality. This medal rewards researchers for the originality, quality and importance of their work, which is recognised internationally and contributes to the reputation of French research. 


Sara Bolognesi is a specialist in Standard Model physics and neutrinos. After making a brilliant contribution to the discovery of the Higgs boson as part of the CMS collaboration at CERN's LHC, she quickly achieved the same high level of expertise in neutrino physics. This dual expertise enriches her strategic vision of the future of particle physics. She is equally skilled in phenomenology, data analysis and experimental development. She is currently analysis coordinator in the international T2K collaboration, head of the neutrino oscillation physics group in the international HyperKamiokande collaboration, scientific lead for Irfu in the HyperKamiokande project, coordinator of the flagship LabEx P2IO BSMNu project covering all neutrino physics and CEA lead for the JENNIFER2 project in the European Union's Horizon2020 programme. In 2018, she received the Thibaud Prize from the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon for her outstanding work in the field of neutrino physics, and in 2021, the Emmy Noether Prize from the European Physical Society for having developed data analysis techniques that significantly improved the sensitivity of the CMS experiment at CERN, leading to the discovery of the Higgs boson.

credit : Monnaie de Paris


Sara Bolognesi is one of the most brilliant and accomplished physicists of her generation, and this medal is fully deserved.

The CNRS news : https://www.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/le-cnrs-devoile-ses-medailles-dargent-2024

#5231 - Màj : 16/02/2024


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