

Antoine Cools (2021-2024)

Baptiste Lefevre (2021-2024)

Alexandra Kallitsopoulou (2022-2025)


Raphael Bajou (2024-2026)


David Attié

Alain Delbart

Esther Ferrer Ribas

Arnaud Giganon

Yannis Giomataris

Mariam Kebbiri

Fabien Jeanneau

Philippe Legou

Thomas Papaevangelou

Laura  Segui

Maxence Vandenbroucke


Former members


Paul Lardiller, Centrale Supélec, L3 (August 2023-January 2024)

Maël Jeannot, Centrale Supélec, L3 (August 2023-January 2024)

Julien Vogel, Paris-Cité University, M1 (May-July 2023).

Camille Libourel, UTC, M2 (April-July 2023).

Etienne Gozillon, Ecole de Mines Saint Etienne, M2 (April-September 2023).

Ayoub Baychou, Université de Nantes, M2 (April-September 2022).

Ugo Pensec, Université Paris-Saclay, M2 (April-August 2022).

Killian Sambourg, Université Paris-Saclay, M1 (April-August 2021).

Thomas Begey, Ecole Centrale Lyon, M1 (June-July 2020).

Gabrielle Pepin Fontaine de Bonnerive, Sorbonne Université, M1 (July-November 2019).

Damien Thouvenot, Sorbonne Université, M1 (May-July 2019).

Alexandre Cerqueira Pinto, Lycée Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Paris 13eme), BTS (May-July 2019).

Giorgos Papadoupoulos, Paris VI University, M2 (April-July 2018).

Gabrielle Pepin Fontaine de Bonnerive , Paris VII University, L3 (July-November 2017).

Thomas Louf, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 3rd year (April-October 2017).

Esteban Dumas, Paris VII University, DUT Physical Measurements (April-July 2017).

Elisa Ruiz, Zaragoza University, Spain, 3rd year PhD (October-December 2016).

Cyprien Godinot, Strasbourg University, L3 (April-September 2015).


Zhibo Wu (2019-2023), now at LAPP (Annency).

Maxence Revolle (2019-2022)

Marion Lehuraux (2019-2022) now at University of Warwick (UK).

Lukas Sohl (2018-2021) now at CYLAD consulting (Germany).

Patrick Knights (2017-2021) now at Birmingham University (UK).

Paul Serrano (2014-2017) now with a permanent position at 3D+.

Ali Dastgheibi (2011-2014) now with a permanent position at Laboratoire Souterraine de Modane.


Meriem Benali (11/2021-11/2023).

Barbara Biasuzzi (07/2020-07/2022).

Fanny Jambon (2019-2021) now with a permament position at CEA.

Laura Segui (2017-2019) now with a permanent position at Irfu/DEDIP.

Yannis Katsioulas (2016-2019) now with a permanent position at ESS (Sweden).

Francisco-José Iguaz (2017-2018) now with a permanent position at Soleil Syncroton.

Christos Lampoudis (2016-2018) now with a permanent position at Thessaloniki University (Greece).






#4220 - Màj : 26/02/2024


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