Lundi 20/01/2020, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CepC) project in China
Aurore Savoy-Navarro
Lundi 27/01/2020, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Detecting High-Frequency Gravitational Waves with Intense Magnetic Fields
André Füzfa
University of Namur, Belgium
Jeudi 13/02/2020, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Dark Energy and the Cosmological Constant Problem
Pisin Chen
Chaire Blaise Pascal
Lundi 24/02/2020, 11:00-12:30
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Fundamental physics and geodesy with atomic clocks
Pacôme Delva
SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris, Sorbonne Université
Lundi 02/03/2020, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
Teasing new cosmological observables out of CMB spectral distortions
Mathieu Remazeilles
Université de Manchester
Lundi 23/03/2020, 11:00
Bat 141, salle André Berthelot (143) , CEA Paris-Saclay
SAGE: A low cost space mission for IMBH mergers (REPORTÉ)
Sylvestre Lacour
LESIA, Observatoire de Paris
Lundi 18/05/2020, 11:00
The FASER experiment at the LHC: Looking forward to new physics…
Jamie Boyd
Lundi 21/09/2020, 11:00
Zoom (see below)
The XENON experiment: recent results and future prospects
Teresa Marrodán Undagoitia
MPIK, Heidelberg
Lundi 26/10/2020, 11:00
Zoom (see below)
Resistive readout in silicon detector
Nicolo Cartiglia
INFN Torino
Lundi 07/12/2020, 11:00
Zoom (see below)
The CUPID-Mo experiment for neutrinoless double beta decay
Giovanni Benato
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, INFN, Italy