//****************************************************************************** //* //* EL FAMOSO DAPFLIX //* //****************************************************************************** //============================================================================ // 1) AUTHOR: Frédéric GALLIANO // // 2) DESCRIPTION: // - centralizing the video recording of the DAp seminars and their slides; // - allowing search by keywords; // - providing the impression of working while just watching a video. // // 3) HISTORY: // - 2024/07/10: created. //============================================================================ DAp Seminar Video Archive

The Archive of the DAp Seminar Video Recordings


WARNING: to access the links to video streams and PDF slides below, you need to have a CEA Intra account.

Content of the Archive

This page provides links to the video recordings of most of the DAp seminars since 2021, together with their accompanying slides, when available. The video recordings and the PDF slides are stored on the eMedia platform of CEA, which requires being on Intra and having a Mobipass. If you do not have a Mobipass, ask Hugues DIAMBOTE (room 156).

To find seminars, click on any of the search buttons below. A list of seminars will appear, showing the date, speaker and title.

you can see the abstract by clicking on the Summary [click here] link.
you can open the video stream by clicking on the button.
when available, you can open the PDF slides by clicking on the button.

Requirements to Access the Links

To access the archive, you need to be on Intra. If your computer is already on Intra, you do not need to do anything. Otherwise, if you work on Extra, you need to:

  1. Launch your Forticlient ;
  2. Select Intra SSL;
  3. Log-in using: your intials + your badge number + @intra.cea.fr;
  4. The password is the passnumber generated by your Mobipass + your four-digit personal key.