This is the first email you send to contact a potential speaker. Replace the ${VARIABLES} by their real-life values.

Invitation to give a seminar at CEA-Saclay (France)
${LOCAL-CONTACT}, if relevant.

Dear ${SPEAKER},

On behalf of our Department of Astrophysics (DAp) at CEA-Saclay (France), we would like to invite you to give a seminar, during our weekly colloquium.

Our institute regroups researchers (observers, modelers and instrumentalists), covering a broad range of topics: planet and disk formation; formation, evolution, and dynamics of the Sun and stars; high-energy astrophysics; interstellar media; cosmology and galaxy evolution. The audience would thus reflect these themes. We would be delighted to hear about your work on ${BROAD-TOPIC}.

If you are interested in accepting our invitation, please have a look at our current working schedule, at the following link: http://irfu.cea.fr/Pisp/frederic.galliano/DAp_seminars/Planning/. Could you provide us with two or three of the non-attributed dates (indicated with [TBA]) that would suit you, in order of preference? We will try to grant you your first choice, but we would like to ensure that most of the people particularly interested in your visit will be present at the lab, that day.

Our institute is located about 20 km south of Paris, and accessible by public transportation. The DAp colloquium takes place on Tuesday morning at 10am. Your talk should last 45 minutes (+ 15 minutes of questions). If you accept this invitation, we will support your trip and your accommodation. More practical information can be found at: http://irfu.cea.fr/Pisp/frederic.galliano/DAp_seminars/instructions_speakers.html.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

${ORGANIZER}, on behalf of the DAp seminar committee


Author: F. Galliano
Last update: 26 juin 2024