1.1. Current DAp Seminar Committee

1.1.1. Composition

Frédéric GALLIANO,
chair, LFEMI representative.
Pierre-Antoine FRUGIER,
LCEG representative.
LCS representative.

1.1.2. Role

  • The role of the representatives is to gather suggestions of speakers to invite, from their different labs, and to serve as organizers for these speakers.
  • The organizer helps the speaker to plan his trip and book his hotel.
  • On the day of the seminar, the organizer takes care of the practical aspects and helps the speaker fill the reimbursement documents.
  • We involve postdocs and students in the committee, to improve their visibility and create a more participative atmosphere.
  • If the seminar originates in the request of one of our colleagues, this colleague is the local contact. Keep him in the loop. Otherwise, the local contact is the organizer.

1.2. Past Committee Members

  • Virginia AJANI (2020–2021; LCS representative)
  • Kyle AUGUSTSON (2016–2017)
  • Matteo BUGLI (2018–2022; LMPA, LDE3 & LEPCHE representative)
  • Maud GALAMETZ (2018–2019)
  • Denise LANZIERI (2021–2023; LCS representative)
  • Vianney LEBOUTEILLER (2016–2019; chair)
  • Giulia MIGLIORI (2016–2017)
  • Damien TURPIN (2020–2021; LEPCHE representative)

1.3. Different types of Seminars

DAp hosts a variety of seminar-like events, regularly or occasionally.

1.3.1. Regular Seminars

Those are the seminars this committee manages.

  • They happen on Tuesdays, at 10am. Some Tuesdays are left to the postdoc seminars (organized by Thierry FOGLIZZO).
  • No seminar during Zone C school holidays (a seminar can be scheduled early July), unless we have the confirmation that enough people will participate.
  • No Seminar during SF2A, HCERES, etc.
  • They take place in the Galilée room, building 713. Note: the Galilée room will be unavailable during the construction of the new entrance hall of building 713, probably between June and December 2024. The Cassini room has been reserved for seminars during this period.

1.3.2. Exceptional Seminars

Those are seminars that could not be scheduled at the usual time. They can happen anytime, in the Galilée room, if it is available.

  • The person inviting the speaker is the local contact, and take care of traval arrangement and reimbursement forms.
  • The committee circulates the anouncements and include them on the program.

1.3.3. Group Seminars Open to Everyone

Groups can organize seminars for various reasons:

  • allowing a more technical talk than regular seminars;
  • organizing it at the last minute;
  • or inviting a speaker less senior than those who give regular seminars, such as a postdoc.

It is however good practice, when possible, to advertise it to the whole department and allow anyone to assist. These group seminars are the responsibility of the person inviting the speaker, but the seminar committee can help in the organization (e.g. sending announcements). Their cost must be supported by the inviting group money and not by the seminar budget.

1.3.4. Postdoc Seminars

Those are seminars for local postdocs. They are scheduled in alternance with the regular seminars (in the Galilée room, too).


1.3.5. Star Formation Talks

Those are regular seminars on the broad topic of star formation.


1.3.6. Climate seminars

Once per semester, we have a seminar dedicated to climate issues, on a Tuesday at 10am. These seminars are organized by the DAp climate committee.

Jérôme GUILET.


2.1. Schedule & Choice of Speakers

  • Speakers are usually permanent scientists, exceptionally senior postdocs. We are looking for people who can give the audience a broad view of a topic and give a talk appealing to students and researchers of all the fields represented at DAp.
  • We try to balance the topics between the different labs.
  • Once or twice a year: a special seminar (epistemology, history of science, etc.).
  • Once per semester, we have a seminar about climate issues.
  • DAp people can give a general seminar in the following cases:
    1. New hirees (if possible within a few months after their arrival);
    2. Talks related to a mission or a large project DAp is involved with;
    3. People having major results, or presenting the results of a big project (ERC-type).
    4. People retiring, giving an overview of their career.

2.2. Breakfast Before the Seminar

Speakers are invited to the breakfast before the talk, at 9:30am, on the first floor, on Tuesdays.

2.3. The Galilée Room

  • Louis CADELIS can encode your badge and knows how to manage the room. Ask him in case of problem with the projector or the microphone.
  • Plan to start the computer set-up at 9:30am.

2.3.1. Projector

  • The projector must be switched on/off using the remote (let it warm up for 30s).
  • Use the HDMI cable, by default. Several dongles are available.

2.3.2. Microphones

  • There is a "Michel Drucker" microphone, which is switched on/off with the red button at its bottom.
  • The lapel microphones can be switched on/off by opening their front panel.
  • Put them back on their charging rack afterward.

2.3.3. Hybrid Zoom set-up

The goal of the following set-up is to be able to give a seminar in the Galilée room and broadcast it to outside people in decent conditions, at the same time.

  1. Go get two Jabras in Laura's office. Make sure you get two of the same model (the color dots must have the same color). It is important to go a early enough before (usually on Monday afternoon) in case someone borrowed them.
  2. Switch the projector on with the remote. It takes ~30 seconds to warm up.
  3. Install the presenter's computer on the presenter high table.
    • Plug the power cord.
    • Plug the ethernet cable (that's why it has to be a CEA machine). If the speaker prefers using his own computer, connect to Eduroam (account needed) or to Einstein (on-line form needed).
    • Plug the HDMI (or VGA/USBC). If nothing appears on the screen try toggling between HDMI and COMPUTER using the remote.
    • Open the presentation and make sure it shows correctly on the screen.
    • Open the Zoom link, and wait to be admitted.
  4. Install the moderator's computer at the table of the first rank.
    • Plug the power cord.
    • Plug the ethernet cable.
    • Open the Zoom session.
    • Admit the speaker.
  5. On the presenter's computer:
    • Share the projector's screen in Zoom. Usually, select "Desktop 2".
    • Move away the Zoom bar and other unnecessary windows.
    • Unmute and switch the camera on.
    • Plug one of the two Jabras to a USB port.
    • Check that, on the Zoom sound icon, Jabras are selected both as microphones and speakers (it is usually automatic).
    • Sync the other Jabra, that will be used for the questions, by simultaneously pressing the two locked ring symbol on their side until it says "linked".
  6. On the moderator's computer:
    • Check that we see what's on the screen.
    • Ask the speaker to say a few words to check the sound.
    • When the seminar starts, press "Record" in Zoom.

2.4. Lunch with the Speaker

2.4.1. La Rotonde

We invite the speaker to La Rotonde (2-42-80), after the talk, with up to 7 DAp people (see with local contact).

  • DAp pays for everyone. Christelle DUVAL has the card.
  • Drinks are extra price:
    • you can order still and fizzy water;
    • you can order up to two bottle of wines, if the speaker wants some;
    • you can order coffee.

2.4.2. Alternative

If La Rotonde is not available, the speaker can be invited to:

  1. The restaurant of the St Aubin golf (01 69 41 28 42).
  2. L'Invitation, a restaurant in St Aubin, proposing vegan and gluten free options (01 69 41 20 55).

The same restrictions apply. The local contact has to advance the money and give the receipt to Laura RICCHI for reimbursement (budget line: A-HORIZ-10 + LOC306VISITS).

2.5. Travel Arrangements & Reimbursement

2.5.1. Travel

  • DAp reimburses trips within Europe (with some exceptions) ⇒ try to catch extra-european researchers during a conference or a visit in Europe.
  • It is preferable if Laura RICCHI books the tickets for the speaker.
  • Low-cost flights can not be booked by CEA, but can be reimbursed.
  • Information you need to gather for Laura:
    • First name;
    • Last name;
    • Email adress;
    • Passport number;
    • Country delivering the passport;
    • Gender;
    • Passport delivrance date and place;
    • Birth date and place;
    • Departure and return dates;
    • Flight/train number.

2.5.2. Accommodation

  • DAp reimburses up to 2 hotel nights + per diem: maximum total of 150 euros/day.
  • DAp can not book hotel in advance.
  • Airbnb can not be reimbursed.
  • See the invited speaker survival guide.

2.5.3. Reimbursement

You need to provide Laura RICCHI with the followings.

  • Originals receipts are required (travel, hotel, meals) ⇒ inform the speaker to keep them.
  • Bank detail information of the speaker (RIB).
  • Email address of the speaker.
  • Budget line: A-HORIZ-10 + LOC306VISITS.

2.6. Use of the Service Car

It is possible to reserve the service car (see Christelle DUVAL) to get the speaker in/to Le Guichet and/or go to La Rotonde.


3.1. Every Six Months (done by the chair)

  1. Plan the dates of the next seminars.
  2. Reserve the Galilée room (at least six months in advance).

3.2. Every Three Months (done by the whole committee)

  1. Interact to fill out the program (at least three months in advance).
  2. See with the local contact which date is the most convenient for the interested people to attend the seminar, go to lunch with the speaker and discuss with him afterwards.
  3. Contact each selected speaker to decide a few dates if possible.
    Invitation e-mail template:
    (i.e. the first one you send) English, French;
    Confirmation e-mail template:
    (i.e. the one you send a few days / weeks later to confirm you have booked a date) English, French;
  4. Update the online program (done by the chair).
  5. Print the upcoming program and display an A3 copy on each floor (done by the chair):
    Ground floor:
    at the beginning of the long corridor;
    First floor:
    on the fence near the coffee machine;
    Second floor:
    in front of the Kepler room.

3.3. One or Two Months Before a Seminar (done by the organizer)

  1. Start helping the speaker book his flight and accommodation.
    Arrangement e-mail template:
    English, French.

3.4. Two Weeks Before the Seminar (done by the organizer)

  1. Send the speaker the instructions about the seminar format:

    Instruction e-mail template:
    English, French.

    Also, make of the following:

    1. Make sure the trip and hotel reservation are all booked;
    2. Ask the speaker for a title and an abstract ⇒ send this information to the chair.
  2. Ask the local contact or estimate yourself how many people will want to go to La Rotonde and send this info to the chair. Ideally, the crowd going to lunch with the speaker should be varied. Do not forget to include a few students, if possible.
    Rotonde head count e-mail template:
  3. Reserve a desk for the visitor. Commission locaux representatives:
    Ground floor:
    Thibaut PICHON;
    First floor:
    Stéphane SCHANNE;
    Second floor:
    Antonio GARCIA MUÑOZ.

3.5. Ten Days Before (done by the chair)

  1. Circulate the announcement to the whole department.
    Announcement e-mail template:
  2. Reserve La Rotonde.
  3. Send a confirmation and instructions to people who will have lunch with the speaker.
    Rotonde confirmation e-mail template:
  4. Reserve the service car if you want to pick the speaker up in Le Guichet.

3.6. Day Before the Talk (done by the organizer)

  1. Confirm/adjust the number of people at La Rotonde, if necessary.
  2. Arrange arrival at DAp. Contact the speaker:
    • Explain RER, bus;
    • Provide him with a phone contact in case of problem.
  3. Prepare info for introducing the speaker before his talk.

3.7. Day of the Seminar (done by the organizer)

  1. Pick the speaker up if needed (only for VIPs).
  2. Get the Rotonde cantine card from Christelle DUVAL.
  3. Guide the speaker to the breakfast.
  4. At 9:30am, go the Galilée room with the speaker:
    • Open the room;
    • Switch the projector on;
    • Hook the computer and pray for the rig to work;
    • Set the microphone up.
  5. Ask the speaker if he agrees to be recorded.
  6. 9:55, announce the seminar using the RDO (in the mail room):
    • Check the cable is correctly plugged;
    • Press 2 for the building;
    • Keel bell pressed until announcement is over.

3.7.1. During the Seminar

  1. Introduce the speaker with the info you have gathered.
  2. Ask if everyone can hear fine.
  3. Dim the light.
  4. Count the number of people ⇒ send it to the chair afterwards for statistics.
  5. Keep the full event (talk + questions under 1 hour) ⇒ give the speaker 10 and 5 minute reminders. The talk should last about 45 minutes.
  6. Questions:
    • prepare 1 or 2 questions yourself in case nobody raises a hand;
    • Circulate the mic to make sure that everyone hears the question;
    • check if someone has a question online.
  7. End:
    • remind everyone which office the speaker will be in the afternoon;
    • switch the microphones off;
    • switch the projector off;
    • make sure nobody fell asleep in the audience;
    • switch the lights off;
    • close the room.

3.7.2. After the Seminar

  1. Go to lunch. Do not forget the speaker.
  2. Return the card to Christelle.
  3. Eventually organize an informal discussion with the speaker.
  4. Internet access through Eduroam or the local network (Einstein).
  5. Remind the speaker to send you all his receipts and bank detail when he goes back home.

3.8. After the Seminar

  1. Check that all the reimbursement documents have been provided by the speaker to the organizer.
  2. Circulate the video recording (if speaker agrees; done by the chair).

Put the chair in copy of all your exchanges with the speakers.


Author: F. Galliano
Last update: 18 juin 2024